Ambition, Power and Storytelling Without A Pen | Q+A

Emmy Award-winning actor Brian Cox and singer songwriter Marlon Williams join the Q+A panel to discuss ambition, power and …


2 thoughts on “Ambition, Power and Storytelling Without A Pen | Q+A”

  1. Always like hearing Catherine McGregor talk, she can ramble on a bit but speaks with eloquence.
    Deborah is nice speaker as well, but by definition none of the indigenous languages count as a Universal Language.

  2. could you imagine everytime you buy something you're judging all the people involved in its making, i know a person from planet x he said he didn't want to go shopping last time here because a person smiled at him from this planet a million years ago,,, on his world smiling means you want all their money , ? i was listening to a person playing music on the street so i blocked my ears because you never know who he is , HE COULD EAT MEAT OR SOMETHING!!then i could be giving money to a murderer! 😐 ya got to be an angel to be in the industry because you will be making money for someone who's selling Gods blessings in advertising


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