Amazon's Rings of Power Episode 8: And what a finale it was…

Amazon’s Rings of Power Episode 8: And what a finale it was…

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39 thoughts on “Amazon's Rings of Power Episode 8: And what a finale it was…”

  1. Halbrand is Sauron – we knew that.
    Stranger is Fake Gandalf – but we cannot call him Gandalf, why? I don't know, reasons.
    Three mysterious figures in white cloaks think that Fake Gandalf is Sauron – No, he is not, 'He is goood!
    Galadriel finds out that Halbrand is Sauron and confronts him – We definitely think that Sauron is right about everthing he says and she is responsible of everything happened and she is still insufferable.
    Harfoots try to help Fake Gandalf and Papa Harfoot dies – He was going to be 'decaravaned' soon due to his age anyway.
    Celebrimbor is stupid and tries to look smart. – Halbrand teaches him how to forge.
    Celebrimbor mixes all the MacGuffins in the show (except for Adar's sword) and makes three rings with instructions from Galadriel (Because nothing happens without Galadriel’s instructions in Middle-earth). – OMG those rings don't reflect the subtlety of elven designs at all.
    No Isildur – I think they will replace him with his non-canonical sister Eärien.

  2. My prediction: If there is a S2, they will start a Fellowship of the Ring like adventure in Middle-earth, probably Rhun. S1 was an overly-long prologue that introduces all of the characters of the new fellowship.


    "Hey guys, Mr Bezos has had an idea for a Lord Of The Rings spin-off based on the elven rings being made out of Finrod Felagund's melted-down dagger and… MITHRIL. He's very excited", announced the Amazon executive, one afternoon.

    "Oh, like wow man", expostulated the kids who makes Bezos' coffee, and change his batteries.

    "Here's 500 million bucks… make it happen."


    "Oh yeah, and kill Isildur off… Mr Bezos has never liked him."

    "Will do."

  4. They haven't "ruined Tolkien"
    They haven't touched Tolkiens legacy. They've just shown themselves to be incapable of tying an engaging, coherent story together even when one of the best loved fantasy worlds is provided to you as a framework and your budget is a billion dollars.

  5. I have had whiplash the whole length of this series.

    First, for so long the Mithril in the story was supposed to be the vaccine/medicine for all the Elves. SUddenly in Ep. 8, it becomes a round thing for… POWER? Where did that comes from? Nobody talked about saving all the Elves anymore. Why? What changed?

    The Mithril was supposed to be buzzing with power and the only piece that will be the source of all this great power (in the ring(s)) is a little nugget of cheap ore, evident in the way that the many have been handling it haphazardly though all these series? Where is the awe and respect accorded to the little nugget?

  6. I don't understand this modern obsession with needing "representation". Arent asians represented by Rhun? Arent blacks already represented by the Orcs and wargs? arent browns represented by the Easterlings? Tolkien's world was already a very richly diverse place

  7. Loved that review, p!eased your TV survived… 😀. Glad it is all over, the only good thing I guess is that Celebrimbor must have made a deal with Sauron… He's gonna have the franchises for all the hairdressing salons in Middle Earth… Bargain…!

  8. How the fuck are those 3 bitches nazguls when nazguls are ringwwraits aka servants of the ring as in the One Ring, that ring hasn't even been crafted yet. 😂😂😂
    Man, this show creators are nothing but a bunch of retards.

  9. According to the showrunners, "We start every day in the writers’ room with a Tolkien quote, and we’re always reading it, constantly. And then, we go in all kinds of different directions to figure out how we’re gonna connect the dots of these different stories that Tolkien gave us." More appropriately they should have started the day with something like. "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

  10. It's so unbelievely lazy writing. How does "Galadriel" find out about Sauron? She reads a scroll out of a library! Why would the elves in Eregion have records about the line of some irrelevant kings of a small tribe in the southlands? Nothing makes sense, nothing matters.

  11. It is not Tolkien, it is not fan fiction, it is vanity fiction. The gave us a wise man who hangs around with small young women. Instead of Gandalf who who enjoys the company of small young men.

  12. The finale sounds so bad it is hard to believe. They have twisted Tolkien’s works so that there is no resemblance to the source material. I expect at lot of salty take down videos going forward as this show and the people behind it are ridiculed for their arrogance and poor creative decisions. If GOT S8 and The Last Jedi/ROS are anything to go by.

  13. My guess is that Isildur is really dead and his useless sister will see the opening to fellowship on the palantir and realise she needs to change gender and become isildur herself.

  14. Three elven rings were forged in secret. Sauron wasn't supposed to know about them, yet somehow they are the first ones created and Sauron is instrumental in their making. These people have no clue!


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