Allowing the voice of God to speak to our hearts #2 Zacharias and Elisabeth

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CHAPTERS By Joanna Evans
00:00 – Intro
00:22 – John the Baptist Sent from God
00:49 – John the Baptist, a Burning and Shining Light
04:11 – The Darkness in John the Baptist’s Day
05:37 – The Pharisees
06:02 – The Sadducees
06:29 – The Scribes and the Lawyers
06:42 – The Zealots
06:59 – The Herodians
07:32 – The Importance of Looking Forward to Christ’s Return
10:38 – Herod the Great
12:36 – John the Baptist Great in God’s Sight
13:20 – Meaning of the Names Zacharias, Elisabeth and John
14:41 – Zacharias of the Course of Abia
17:10 – Elisabeth of the Daughters of Aaron
18:47 – Elisabeth, the Barren One
20:16 – Zacharias and Elisabeth Righteous and Blameless
21:44 – Zacharias and Elisabeth’s Persistence in Prayer
23:22 – Zacharias and Gabriel in the Temple
27:39 – Gabriel Standing at the Right Side of the Alter
28:54 – The Alter of Incense
30:50 – John, the Grace of God
31:43 – John the Baptist, a Nazarite from His Mother’s Womb
36:41 – Zacharias’ Moment of Unbelief
38:34 – The Penalty for Zacharias’ Unbelief
41:46 – Luke’s Allusions to Isaiah 40
44:12 – Zacharias at the Birth of John the Baptist
44:47 – Elisabeth Hides Herself Five Months
Related to: Allowing the Voice of God to Speak to Our Hearts #2


1 thought on “Allowing the voice of God to speak to our hearts #2 Zacharias and Elisabeth”

  1. Very good, but why would such an amazingly faithful consistent righteous man suddenly lose faith in the VERY PRESENCE of YAHWEH representative?? I believe that like Simeon & Anna he had been praying for Messiah. GOD in HIS goodness rewarded Zacharias & his wife with the forerunner John. This would be a complete surprise & hard to immediately process for this aged man!They were perfect parents for John, impeccable. Zech's prayer had been for Messiah to come I believe, John was his totally unexpected, & therefore hard to believe reward for consistent faith.


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