Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) What a QUEEN !! RIP

This is VERDY CHANNEL. Today I watch a little documentary about the queen to remember her and learn more about her. As a canadian this is a sad day. I hope she rest in peace.

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31 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) What a QUEEN !! RIP”

  1. "Queen for life!!!"

    Well that is how hereditary dictatorship generally works…t's not like there's any other way to remove a hereditary dictator from power, other than waiting for them to die.

    Monarchism really is a mental disorder…you would think England would have figured that out after watching the United States surpass them as a nation in every conceivable way. Ireland as well, for that matter.

  2. Thank you Verdy channel. I learned of the death of our reigning monarch when this video appeared in my subs tab. I was a little confused because, although I’ve been watching you for years I thought you were French French if you see what I mean. I apologise for that. I only mention it because I was surprised to feel an unexpected warmth of kinship when you said were Canadian and it became obvious that you had affection for the Queen. I honestly think that I have finally understood what people mean when they talk about the royals and big events bringing our nations together. It feels a bit silly now I’ve typed it but it remains true.

    I was very touched by your video and I want to thank you for making even though you found it difficult. I love you, sister.

  3. As a loyal Brit I was very happy to see your wonderful tribute to not only our Queen but maybe everybody's Queen. There are a lot of tears tonight in the vast majority of homes in the UK – it hurts – it's like a hard punch to the solar plexus that keeps on resonating. It really does feel like our Grandmother has passed away. We have to be positive though and remember all the good she did for others, always selflessly, nothing was ever about herself. Thanks for doing this. RIP Your Majesty!

  4. What a beautiful tribute. You know what I thought was fantastic as I watched this? She made it into her 90s…….and always stayed relevant, always kept her wits about her. She got "frail" at the end. The OTHER Elizabeth was the same way: she died STANDING UP! And our Elizabeth aged like a Queen. She earned that royalty. The royal family….they show that they're just human. But she herself: she demonstrated what royalty was. I will miss her.

  5. A really heartfelt tribute to Our Majesty The Queen. We are all in shock in the UK. It will be King Charles III and so we all need to cheer "Long Live the King".
    It is quite astounding that 20m people watched the Coronation. Most people did not possess a TV then and many went out to buy one just so they could watch the very first coronation broadcast on TV.


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