All of This is Happening on April 8th!– *INSANE* –You Need to Know This! — Jim Staley

⬇️*Are the seals of Revelation beginning to be opened?!*
The *CERN* Hadron Collider will be fired up on April 8th in an effort to create dark matter and discover the history of the universe… *NASA* is sending up three rocket ships during the solar eclipse named with a mission named after the Egyptian serpent deity, APEP (the god of chaos), who is the nemesis of the solar god Ra. Ironically and incredibly, NASA and CERN both chose to represent their missions with the god of chaos!
From schools being closed to state officials recommending people stock up on essentials and a repeat of virtually the *EXACT* conditions that set off the largest earthquake in the history of the continental United States back in 1811, you do *NOT* want to miss this broadcast!
Is prophecy coming true right before our eyes? Is the second seal of Revelation about to be released? We will discuss all of that and more in this broadcast!
#cernhadroncollider #solareclipse2024 #april8 #redheifer #prophecy2024



👉 *When Was Jesus Really Born?*:
👉 *The REAL Meaning of the 4th Commandment*:
👉 *Introduction to the Feasts of the LORD*:
👉 *The Official Sabbath Debate*:
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Have you ever said to yourself, “There’s got to be something more?” Well…there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that–the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

Going back to the Christian Roots of our faith has freed millions of people around the world from the traditions and doctrines of men, allowing them to truly serve our Creator YHWH in both Spirit and Truth.

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“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ─ John 8:32
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✅ About Passion For Truth Ministries:

Have you ever said to yourself, “There’s got to be something more?” Well…there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that–the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

Going back to the Christian Roots of our faith has freed millions of people around the world from the traditions and doctrines of men, allowing them to truly serve our Creator YHWH in both Spirit and Truth.

Why do we do what we do here at PFT? Because the Truth can only do one thing: Set Us Free!

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ─ John 8:32
“Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth” ─ John 17:17

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37 thoughts on “All of This is Happening on April 8th!– *INSANE* –You Need to Know This! — Jim Staley”

  1. God's calendar, the seven feasts of the Lord, are hidden in the New Testament. Did you know, JIM, that all 14 letters of Paul can be assigned chronologically to the seven churches of Revelation? Did you know, JIM, that the seven common letters of James, Peter, John and Jude can also be assigned to the seven churches of Revelation?

    Did you know, JIM, that the seven churches describe the feast cycle of Exodus 23? Did you know, JIM, that the first seven verses of Jude's letter are structured according to the feast cycle, then describes the autumn feast in more details – Ecumenical triad – before returning to Laodicea in the last verses?

    Did you know, JIM, that the Gospel of John describes the Passover, the Gospel of Matthew the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Gospel of Mark the Feast of the Firstfruits and the Gospel of Luke the Feast of Pentecost?

    Did you know, JIM, that the building materials from Exodus 25 can be chronologically assigned to the 14 letters of the apostle Paul and thus describe the building materials of the spiritual house, the Temple of God?

    Our Lord is doing a work in our day that is too wonderful to be told. He glorifies himself in everything.

    Details can be found under "Scripts" on simson minus project dot com

    Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming; an it is obvious that our Lord is on his way to pick us up.

    P.S.: The signs are for the unbelievers, so that they may repent, but they are also a sign for the believers to get ready to leave.

  2. Let's look at some facts, instead of stoking fear into everybody.

    NASA will launch sounding rockets and WB-57 high-altitude planes to conduct research on aspects of the sun and Earth that‘s only possible during an eclipse. The efforts are part of a long history of attempts to gather invaluable data and observations when the moon temporarily blocks the sun’s light. Perhaps one of the most famous scientific milestones connected to an eclipse occurred on May 29, 1919, when a total solar eclipse provided evidence for Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which the scientist first systematically described in 1916, according to NASA.

    During the 2017 eclipse that crossed the US, NASA and other space agencies conducted observations using 11 different spacecraft and two high-altitude planes.

    Data collected during that eclipse helped scientists to accurately predict what the corona, or the sun’s hot outer atmosphere, would look like during eclipses in 2019 and 2021. Despite its blazing temperatures, the corona is fainter in appearance than the sun’s bright surface, but it appears like a halo around the sun during an eclipse when the bulk of the sun’s light is blocked by the moon, making it easier to study.

    Why the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun’s actual surface is one of the enduring mysteries about our star. A 2021 study revealed some new clues, showing that the corona maintains a constant temperature, despite the fact that the sun experiences an 11-year cycle of waning and increasing activity. The findings were possible thanks to more than a decade’s worth of eclipse observations, according to NASA.

    Regarding the CERN Hadron Collider, I was able to confirm by email that the collider is up and running, and has been running for some time now. They've been working on some tests runs targeting dark space matter. The culmination of the work happens on April 8, or around that date. According to their website, they use the particle accelerator to particles using magnets, however, nothing in a recent press release states anything about finding a "God particle." You can read the release here ::

    The cicadas showing up is a natural phenomenon and shouldn't be of any concern, though their sound is quite annoying.

    As for Jewish sacrificing red heifers, or cattle, it's a ritual that dates back to the time of Moses, though very little research exists for Moses' existence. Regardless, it's a Jewish belief that Christians tend to twist to fit Christian prophecy, and the ritual normally happens around the Passover season, sometimes happening within 50 days after Passover.

    The fact any of these happening around the Passover, Easter Season, and April 8 is pure coincidence, should be overlooked entirely. Nothing about what's happening screams "End Times," well, except you who seems that stoking fear into everybody is going get them fired up. I think people like have a very bad habit of reading too much into "certain" events that may be nothing more than events that are happening.


  3. Isaiah chapter 1, should clue us in on how God regards satanic religion. He ain’t a fan, but he allows his chicken to worship religion and seek to save themselves as they each go forth seeking to “establish their own righteousness” like the Pharisees of old.

  4. Were about to get a large bout of snow. Per the CERN statue, Rev. 14-17 : Deceives all people, making a statue which comes to life to give order to evil.
    Genesis 1:14 Celestial bodies to know when to meet him. Been looking into the 483 yrs, 3974 yrs..6 mo & 10 days, 177, 42nd yr of Augustus, law of 3s, each day 1000 yrs, 7 periods of Ages, 69 weeks, adam to Christ, Gregorian calendar, Julian calendar. God said dont change the words, days, world conquered swiftly in 4 yrs, war 27 yrs, Nisan: the 7th month of the civil, noah at coming of flood 600 yrs old 7th ch of genesis, 400 levels of evil, 400 sparks of godliness in the world(transform negative energies into positive sparks, Hildebrand called Gregory, after the 1000 yrs, God of Strengths told by Daniel 11:38!!! Daniel 11 & 12

  5. I'm so happy I found you,! Most things I've heard about but you even elaborate with a lot more history/info. I will be tuning in to your show and tell my family to tune in. it's all awesome but serious. ALL I KNOW IS TO PRAY TO OUR GOD for peace/ protection. Doesn't the cross run through several towns their meaning means peace? So interesting!! Thanks for your show. jp

  6. From the devil! But at the end our lord Jesus will put all this to a end satan and all his evil will come to a end but we has his church have to be in prayer and fasting asking God almighty to save us of wants coming we need to be in repentance asking to be worthy to escape of want will be coming to this earth in Jesus name🙏


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