All Human Design Types – New Moon in Shadow of Victim – 55th Gate

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7 thoughts on “All Human Design Types – New Moon in Shadow of Victim – 55th Gate”

  1. Hi! Thank you for this work, It really resonated with what I experienced today, moving trough a huge trauma trigger that victimized me a lot. I just want to add: how about interdependency and healthy ego? It's not healthy to be co-dependent, and its not healthy to be super independent either, we are independent as species! And it's not healthy to not take care of one's needs at all. The ego just want us to survive, and it's rooted in trauma – that scarcity mindset. I would like to see that the ego can be a wonderful amazing part of us, but that we can also learn to see the shadow parts of it. <3

  2. Holy Cannoli!! I'm a manifestor and this reading hit home. I'm currently separated from my husband. While I don't necessarily believe it has to be permanent, he is angry and lashing out. Really trying to navigate what's coming up right now. Part of me feels sick to my stomach, but the other part of me knows I can't ignore what I'm being called to do right now. Thank you Michael for the Work you do!!! πŸ’š


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