ALL 34 Overwatch 2 Hero NEW LOOKS!

In this video we are taking a look at all of the new hero looks & redesigns from Overwatch 1 and OW2 for all 34 Overwatch 2 Hero NEW LOOKS! What are your favorite new hero looks? Let us know in the comments section down below and don’t forget to LIKE and SUBCRIBE and click the BELL ICON to actually get notified when our videos go live!

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00:00 Intro
00:18 Ana
00:29 Ashe & Bob
00:42 Baptiste
00:54 Bastion
01:07 Brigitte
01:20 Cassidy
01:45 Doomfist
01:57 Echo
02:10 Genji
02:22 Hanzo
02:34 Junkrat
02:46 Lucio
02:58 Mei
03:10 Mercy
03:23 Moira
03:35 Orisa
03:48 Pharah
04:01 Reaper
04:14 Reinhardt
04:25 Roadhog
04:38 Sigma
04:51 Soldier 76
05:04 Sombra
05:16 Symmetra
05:28 Torbjorn
05:40 Tracer
05:53 Widowmaker
06:05 Winston
06:17 Wreckingball
06:30 Zarya
06:42 Zenyatta
06:54 Sojourn, Junkerqueen & outro

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34 thoughts on “ALL 34 Overwatch 2 Hero NEW LOOKS!”

  1. My only gripe with Symmetra's new look is how tiny her feet look now… Like her new shoes look so small that it's like she crushed her whole foot into making them fit.

    Also, I love Zen's new MC Hammer Pants.

  2. New dva looks kinda tacky I wish they didn’t put blue on the mech and less white on her body suit, maybe outside forearms and back of legs below knee

  3. There literally aren’t any new designs I prefer over the original. Some are good. Most are ok I guess. A lot of them suck. All of the originals are superior to me because it was the design team creating an original, very unique stylized design. These new designs are attempts at doing the same thing but different just for the sake of being different. There’s no driving purpose to the designs other than “do the same thing we did before but not those because that game is dead and we can’t say this is a new game if everyone looks the same even though they look better that way.” It’s just more blizzard schlock and I don’t get why they’re like this.

  4. "Hello everyone! Welcome to a new video of Your Overwatch. My name is Eddie and today we will be looking at the new fonts used in the Overwatch 2 menu!!"

    You guys are stretching this too thin…


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