Al Holcomb talks Ian Scott’s role

Holcomb answered questions about Brian Burn’s improvements, Tyler Lockett and Ian Scott’s veteran presence in the room.


5 thoughts on “Al Holcomb talks Ian Scott’s role”

  1. I really don't think that this defense is all of that. If you look at the stats they aren't top 10 or anything. The last 2 games weren't against good offenses. The ravens and broncos. The ravens offense struggled to get 10 points vs Denver and Denver only scored 9 points. This will be a real test against the Seahawks. I hope that it's not another performance like they had against the Bengals.

  2. Ywll getting whooped by seattle. Dk metcalf gonna eat u all day. We suck this year and sam darnold??? Lol is that still.a thing yall still think that clown gonna do anything. Lol.yall better pray foremon stays healthy.


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