He Thought He Was Safe Behind His Wall… – Cyclone Mine to GM #2

The mine push of doom does it again

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37 thoughts on “He Thought He Was Safe Behind His Wall… – Cyclone Mine to GM #2”

  1. Beastyqt used to do a lot of weird challenges and one of his tricks as a late-game terran was use excess energy from his orbitals to drop mules on his opponents, either to take minerals from their patches to cause attrition, or to get enemy tanks to friendly-fire. Eventually he got to the point where he would throw mules to get the opponent to unseige, then attack while the tanks were down. It's a niche trick for sure, but absolutely hilarious and could give you an edge in a few of those really close games.

  2. I found your channel, and have been enjoying a bunch of the series

    tbh, I have an extra layer of fun because I played starcraft for the story, I suck at the game. Eventually a friend of mine got the game, and we did duos against the ai to prep and learn for actual games. We got stuck a lot, both have shit micro and very ltitle knowledge, but it was fun adapting when we got stuck, like learning how builds worked and how to synergize our builds, trying one person doing an early rush to throw off the ai and the other being greedier, and a bunch of weird (not very good) but quite fun stuff

    this is like that but 17 levels above us, fun to watch, and I appreciate you still managing to talk about what you are doing and why, its cool to see

  3. your repairs are epic now. #29:43 I do think the nearly 0 hp units should be pulled out of the fight. You could send 1-2 scv forwards to the camping zone. 1 scv is as productive as a factory in building up cyclone hp but it does it at half the price. You are winning of course but have 4 cyclones there that need only one ling hit to die and 2 more that could use some love. The 10 cyclones have only 5 worth of hp left. Look at #24:40 do you really need that one cyclone? it is going to do a good bit of work but it will inevitable die soon. At #25:05 a single ling eats it. The rest of your cyclones are full health, those few lings shouldn't be able to do anything. It also takes him quite a few waves to kill the mines, they are dying slowly. Not sure if retreating and repairing those is viable but then again, they do sit around and not do anything between shots.

  4. Game 2 was amazing, I loved your description of the tank push, it reminded me of like a chess GM analyzing a top engine line like "yup yup this all theory, you sacrifice this piece and then move forward"

  5. Transformers Tag Team to GM Challenge – only units with multiple modes (hellion, tank, viking, thor), but no more than 2 types at the same time (say you have hellion + tank and want vikings, you need to get rid of either hellions or tanks first). And if you want an additional challenge: you can only tag one unit out as long as you kill the last full HP one yourself (so as not to just suicide them all into the enemy). Or if that's too complicated, just pick 2 at the start of the game and that's all you get all game.

  6. Man, those widow mines against the zerg felt like they were terran creep tumors but deadly… When they were on the right spots its hard to move around… Love the series 😀

  7. Greetings Marc, found the channel I think from virtue of the connection to Pig & you completing the 7v1 challenge. As a long time Ketroc viewer I loved the Raven/Hellion to GM series. Looking forward to seeing widow mines spread like creep tumors across the map.

  8. 20:25 – why do you bring the CC back? Instead of leaving it floating over the natural to give vision (baneling count, ling count, when he starts attacking, cyclone lock-on, etc) ?

    Or use it as part of a second-layer wall behind the depots?

  9. I'd love to see a Zealot only to GM or even only to Master if GM is too difficult.
    Or maybe pair the zealot with something else, but in a way that the zealots still are the core of the challenge, much like the marines were for your marine and medivac to GM.

    I love your content dude, keep up the awesome work ! 😀


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