Airplanes will KEEP BREAKING if we don't abandon THIS

Boeing is once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This time, a door plug fell off an Alaska Airlines jet mid-flight. So, what’s going on with Boeing? Glenn reads a piece from author Porter Stansberry, who breaks down 2 major decisions Boeing made that took the company from a poster child for engineering to a company facing possible bankruptcy: First, Boeing switched its focus from engineering to “financial engineering,” and then, it fully embraced ESG. “We will continue to have planes fall out of the sky” as long as ESG is king. But that isn’t just true for airlines, Glenn says: “Until our government gets away from this craziness, America’s republic will keep falling out of the sky.”

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32 thoughts on “Airplanes will KEEP BREAKING if we don't abandon THIS”

  1. Not sure if I agree with all this. I work with a Helicopter EMS company and maintenance HAS to follow FAA guidelines. Everything has to be followed to a T regarding maintenance. Every component has a time limitation. You can't just put in a screw you buy at the regular dollar store, it has to be made specifically for that aircraft and has a serial number etc. Plus every mechanics certification is on the line if maintenance is done improperly. There are safety guidelines for every aspect of maintenance.

  2. I just flew in on American Airlines coming out of Europe. European are staff with intelligent, attractive, well dressed well groomed, attendance and ladies are men working at the counters.

    America they’re rude sloppy dressed, messy hair, eating chicken while they’re talking. Then if you need help they get angry, as they stand in little circles and talk to each other, and then avoid your questions treat you rudely and they’re all dark.! I don’t care about the skin color but it’s a parent to me they’re getting all the jobs and they’re running the airlines services into the ground.

  3. Isaiah 5:20–21

    20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

    21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!

  4. A long time friend of mine from school retired from Boeing recently. Said that a real "hot" woman was hired as his supervisor. Come to find out that in her most previous job she was a dog groomer. She also was dating the higher ups frequently.

    By the way, the Chair Woman of the NTSB has virtually no aircraft experiment so ever, it's an appointment by the President. Because she was on call that weekend she became the lead investigator.

    We are going down the crapper……

  5. I disagree with Glenn's premise. Let's all stop pretending this isn't organized globally by the communists working with the corporations and government toward our destruction. This isn't incompetence. It's designed.

  6. The left is objectively a cult. They never question anything the news or government tells them. They never admit they're wrong when proven otherwise. They believe they're the virtuous ones on a crusade to save truth, democracy and justice. It's called mass formation psychosis. Matthias Desmet if you're interested in learning more.

  7. I dont see how diversity can be a strength. I understand that the more people you have working in a project, the more ideas and points of view you have. But, how do different races and genders make things "stronger?" I would argue that forced diversity is a fatal weakness. Im not flying for a while.

  8. Great commentary, Glenn! For myself, I haven't boarded a commercial airliner in many years, ever since a truly frightening flight where the stewardesses looked terrified, and I heard a pilot joke, "We may yet defeat the Grim Reaper>.

  9. Glenn, you don't understand. All is going according to their plan which is to ceate chaos, confusion, and destruction.

    One, so you don't pay attention to all of the wealth they're stealing from us, and two, they want people like you and I to die. Remember, their goal is 500,000,000 people that they can easily control.

    This is how we know we are nearing the end of this world order.

    God's order is coming!


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