Military Police Officers Mortified by Bigfoot Encounters

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0:00 – Introduction
3:25 – Blue Lights in the Desert
18:37 – Edwards AFB Surveillance
31:36 – A Comment About Edwards AFB
33:31 – Credits & After Action

Check out these other channels and videos!
@strangebuttruestories6677 :
The U.S. Military Encounters A 15 Foot GIANT In The Caves Of Afghanistan! (Full Testimony)
@TheWhyFiles :
Creatures & Cryptid Files Vol 1: Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and El Chupacabra
@MrBallen :
US Marine HUNTED by unidentified creature | The Jeff Boiler story
@BedtimeStoriesChannel :
The Strange Death of Jonathan Lovette

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“Lying in Wait”, “Planning an Attack”, “Obrahim”, “Oscuro”, “Time”, “The Search of the Remains”, “Alone” and ‘Left Alone” used by kind permission of CO.AG

“Crypto” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Can’t Touch Me” by David Fesliyan, courtesy of Fesliyan Studios


47 thoughts on “Military Police Officers Mortified by Bigfoot Encounters”

  1. I pretty much grew up just outside Edwards and it may be different on the base itself, but I loved being out in the desert and searching out supernatural stories, but I’ve never heard about the blue eyed devils.

  2. It’s interesting to consider how many witnesses of these phenomena never told anyone about it, which is the majority of cases when careers and reputations are at stake. How much more would we know if reporting was encouraged instead of punished? It’s quite a burden to have such knowledge in your mind and not be able to tell anyone about it.

  3. 5 ⭐ s I think it is a fine idea to run these episodes
    No matter what you can't deny that there are sane good people besides the rioters at area 51 guys and gals, who are good too,who have seen these ol' blue eyes
    Scuse me,the (,didn't) occupiers of area 51

  4. I never served on Edwards. I was USN. I did spend some time on and around Warner Springs. Some of that time was spent in the field alone. I was undergoing S.E.R.E training, and some of it was spent by myself out in the scrub hiding and evading the instructors trying to capture us. Without going into too much detail I believe something got very close to where I was hiding the first night that I originally thought was one of the instructors…until in SNIFFED and then very quietly rumbled before moving away. I've spent enough of my life around animals and in the wilderness to know what a bipedal gait sounds like compared to a quadrapedal gait. Whatever got close to me was on two feet the entire time. I've always thought that a bigfoot was in our training area, smelled me, alerted to my presence, then left.

  5. I really love to finish this one but YOUTUBE ADS are BLOODY ANNOYING!!! You literally have an ad running every 3 mins of your video! Crap sensin’ extreme thirst for money there mate!

  6. I was a ground technician in the RCAF. Occasionally working duty weekends you would not believe how many times I looked at the aircraft destination board & Clackamas County was the furthest American destination. We all know what that county is famous for right?

  7. Wow I didn't expect the Air Force high command to belief thinks such as UFOs, aliens and sasquatches since I only heard that the US army high command always debunk those claims as fake.

  8. the crushed bottle backs up what ive been saying for years these bigfoots don't weigh 300 pounds nor 800pounds I believe they weigh at least 2 tonne if not more they say the experiment on Monster Quest is faulty I say BS the experiment was done just fine and they too came to the same conclusion they is no way a 600pound animal would sink inches into the ground even at 2 tonne it was not sinking as deep as the prints found

  9. Jinn can be put in two categories those who can fly and those who can swim.

    The jinn have ranks Eblis aka Satan on top ,Abalisa high ranking efrit, every efrit have under him 1000 marids, marids are huge jinns like mountains under him is 1000 shytan and under him 1000 qrean.

    Abalisa are the high command officials take orders directly from Eblis.

    Efrit take there orders from Abalisa, to deliver orders for the other groups of jinn,like marids known for there huge hight.

    Marids mountain like entities.

    Jinn: created from pure smokeless fire giving them the ability to shape shifting and size shrinking to the size of needle hole or massive heights like mountains.

    We know that the jinn lay eggs not give birth, life span over hundreds or thousands of years.

    The fly type can reach speed greater than the speed of light, giving them the ability to space travel.

    The water type can reach the bed of the deepest ocean with no struggle.

    In case of the water or flying type been corrupted they turn to ghouls, in these sudden change they imitate other creatures for survival.
    Example:monkeys,dogs,birds, lizards,bugs.

    With this change there food source change mostly to human consumption.

  10. Southern Estonia and Northen Latvia is Area close to me where strange thing happen. My brother lives out there and well during the night you see odd stuff in the Sky and hear odd noises in the woods.

  11. My father was in the Air Force before he met my mother. I used to think he was stationed at Wright-Patterson, but since the family was in CA at the time, it might have been at Edwards. He was given a discharge of some kind due to family hardship and him being the youngest son.

    Anywhoooo….I've been lead to believe by others who knew him that my father took some things to the grave with him. I wish I was smart enough to ask when he was alive that if he was at EAFB, did he have some stories to tell. His time there would have been in the mid to late 50s. I'm NOT saying he knew or saw weird things, I just wish I had known to ask him later in his life if he had.

  12. I spent 5 years and change at Eddies Airplane Patch, and worked night flight security (Swings and mids) for a good chunk of that. I never heard of or saw anything like you report…but, it is indeed a strange place. Lots of coyotes and desert tortoises, a few cougar reports and a lot of beautiful night skies. There were a lot of "Jeep jokes" and local urban legends that were told and re-told, getting more and more far fetched as times passed, but yeah, I never experienced anything out of the ordinary, much to my regret.

  13. "So I used to be in charge of security at the base. We had UFO's all the time and they were not something that could be man made. There is a massive government coverup going on. They were like-"

    "Whatever man I'm not interested can you just tell me about bigfoot already?"

    How do you have someone in the know telling you about UFO's but then brush it off and say later, "well I just wasn't too interested at the time."

  14. I live 30 minutes from there and went to the base to transport the military personnel vehicles out.. but it’s very creepy .especially behind the base on 140th st ..never heard of this before but I wouldn’t doubt it either..

  15. I don't buy the explanation put forward by the guy about why they had not captured or killed one; they could have captured or killed it, and then say they found it elsewhere in the US, outside the base, which would have avoided the issues he claims they were concerned about. IMO the reason they did not do something like capture or kill one and then say they found it somewhere off the base, is because the government has an interest in suppressing anything of a paranormal nature (that is changing some with the slow-drip UAP/alien disclosure that is currently in progress, but there's an agenda behind why that specifically is happening), because 1) it would upset the applecart and undermine the government's authority and ability to rule and 2) because it would lend credence to the idea that there is a spiritual world out there beyond our universe…

  16. I might have seen one of these before. When I was little I used to open the blinds on the bay window in my room to look at the stars in the middle of the night. One night I did just that and started to doze off after looking at the stars for a while, it was about 12pm-1am roughly. After I dozed off for an unknown amount of time I suddenly jolted awake and I saw it. A massive figure standing just outside the window looking right at me. It was as tall as the top of the window so about 7-8 feet tall ish. I was absolutely terrified. It didn't do anything but watch me. It eventually left but I wasn't able to go back to sleep. This happened in my home town in northern Arizona. It might have been something else such as a skin walker as my house was very close to the Navajo reservation. Sorry if I have described this well it's my first time telling this to people. I can try to answer any questions anyone might have to the best of my ability. This happened more than a decade ago and I've tried to block out this memory as even now I get very uncomfortable in the dark.


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