17 Crazy Behind The Scenes Secrets of Disney World

Disney World is NOT as it seems. So where in the parks will you find underground hideaways, artificial moonlight, and abandoned islands? Find out TODAY, on DFB Guide.


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27 thoughts on “17 Crazy Behind The Scenes Secrets of Disney World”

  1. My brother and I spent a fun non-park day during our February 1984 visit, and we went to Discovery Island. I mostly remember the cool birds. We also rented a canoe and found a pond full of turtles, and floated along with a family of ducks. It was a very memorable, terrific day.

  2. My family are privately owned Luxury Custom Home Company was invited to build in Golden Oak. We accepted and built homes at Four Seasons Private Residences area, where the most expensive t homes are. We started at the beginning, and as of January 1, 2023, the most exclusive lots are sold out, and the houses are finished. For privacy, I can say we built about fifteen homes. Yes, they cost millions of dollars. Guess what? Not one of the owners of these homes lives there full-time. The homes cannot be rented or leased. The houses are just one of many these families live in around the world. Note: they pay Golden Oak between 20K-23K per month
    to care for the property. Of course, the owners' names are confidential. While we met many of the owners, we have yet to. Those homes allowed us to retire. Also, it is a full circle for our company. We all worked at WDW during high school and college and ended our careers at Disney. Personally, I started as a Monorail Operator at the Opened Space Mountain. My last job prior to leaving in 1978 was working as a teller and Vault Teller preparing money to be sent to the bank.

  3. I remember staying at one of the Disney Institute villas once. Was quite nice having the extra room and the cost wasn't horrible…for Disney anyway. Lol

    We stayed at Wilderness Lodge for our honeymoon back in '97 and they would bring animals and birds over from Discovery Island in the evening.

  4. I have family members that are current cast members or retired. Can confirm about past hotel furniture and goodies to be found at Cast Member stores. Mom actually has a former Polynesian hotel entertainment center in her house.

  5. The thing about Kodak using red comes from the reason Dorothy's slippers were ruby red. The original color of the slippers in the book of the Wonderful Wizard id Oz was Silver. Kodak film in 1938 could not see silver so they changed Dorothy's silver slippers to ruby slippers because as you said red pops.

  6. Every time I see and more importantly hear one of your videos I canโ€™t help but think you are a media professional or were on TV? If not, you totally should be. Youโ€™ve got that it factor. Youโ€™re a natural. Anyhow, you said Keys to the Kingdom provides a look and a walk into parts of the tunnel, but doesnโ€™t Behind the Magic do this as well? Iโ€™m positive they used to and thought they still did.


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