Age of Sigmar 4th Ed. – Path to Glory Breakdown!

Today we crack open the AOS core book and discuss Path to Glory in the new edition. This is a much more streamlined PtG format with no casualty scores, but a very intriguing progression system!

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21 thoughts on “Age of Sigmar 4th Ed. – Path to Glory Breakdown!”

  1. Am I here for it ?!? I woke up, saw that the flood gates are open, and immediately looked for this! Found it and it’s the first Skaventide video I watched! Thanks so much for taking care of the Narrative gamers! That’s your Jam!

  2. Thanks for doing this. Path to glory was what was going to make or break 4th edition for me and at this point it's a pass (unless they do really cool things with the individual source books). Yes causalities are a pain in the backside to keep track of – but they also change the way you think about trading in the game in a way that feels way more realistic and immersive to me.

    No hard feelings though, There's quite a few smaller skirmish campaign games that I want to play through and I can always see where we end up in 3 years time when 5th is launched.

  3. Thank you for doing this. It's frustrating how much Path to Glory gets sidelined by most content creators and frankly, by GW themselves. I just wish there was more to actually cover than this phoned in section that only pays lip service to the concept of campaign play.

    I am disappointed with how stripped down this is. I accept that the previous system needed some streamlining: the empire-building was a fun concept, but ended up tedious and frustratingly random, and might have not been a good fit for the story you wanted to tell. But this… No integration with the Regiment system? I'd think having heroes lead retinues of guys would have potential for a narrative game mode. Quest list is very bare bones, once again there's a very limited selection of scenarios. They advertised the Path system as a 'build your own hero' replacement for Anvil of Apotheosis… But it's just an incredibly shallow trait list that will result in cookie-cutter heroes. No casualties or even a battle scar system cuts down on book keeping, yeah, but at the cost of making all of your units completely disposable during the game. They get renown whether they live or die, there's no penalty for just throwing lives away, where oreviously, taking your foot off the gas and preserving your units was a real consideration. There's also zero consideration for the double turn mechanic in a game mode that doesn't use battle tactics, which was cited as the entire reason for keeping the double turn in the first place.

    I'm sorry but this is incredibly disappointing and feels phoned in. A minimum effort gesture made just to have an excuse that non-competitive play technically still exists. 'What about narrative play boss?' 'Dunno, throw in a list of some traits for the nerds to put on their units I guess' 'What should we put in the traits tho?' 'I don't care, the usual. +1 to hit. They'll eat this slop right up and even if they don't, who cares'

    Sure, they can expand this in supplements down the line. But I'm not holding my breath. It took almost a year for us to get the one and only PtG supplement in 3e and 'supplement' is generous given the amount of content in it.

    4e is really shaping up to just be a competitive e-sport game in all facets of its design. They really stopped even pretending to care about anything but General's Handbook seasons.

  4. i haven't played narative yet, but would love to, thnx for making a vid about narative play instead of the other kinds other peeps are uploading ^^
    il ask in my club if peeps are up to play narative as it would be fun ^^

  5. I loved 3e path to glory. the whole territory management system built around a slow grow army roster, the quest system giving you interesting things to work towards during a game entirely separate from the objectives of that particular mission, the way that stuff worked regardless of whether or not you were playing 'path to glory' games or had a regular campaign group to play 'path to glory' games with. You could build up your personal path to glory army, dominion, and narrative while playing normal matched play pick up games against random opponents. Sure, the veteran abilities & extra command abilities or whatnot wouldn't be playable in those games, but every version I've ever seen of those kinds of rules has been in practice unbalanced and unfun anyway, and again to use them you'd have to have that regular crew of people to play against, which I don't.

    From the previews, it sounded like everything I liked about 3e path to glory is gone in order to redouble the focus on the parts I don't care about or actively dislike, and cannot actually use regardless, so I've been pretty unhappy about it, but I'm happy to see this more in depth look, maybe there will be something in this video for me to latch on to.

    If not, well, the parts I cared about in 3e path to glory are pretty gameplay agnostic, so I can just keep running my own little 3e campaigns with myself while playing regular 4e matched play pick up games at the sadly-not-so-local GW.


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