Against All Odds – MIRACLE Story of an Israeli Family Facing Terrorists Israel Hamas War IDF Gaza

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8 thoughts on “Against All Odds – MIRACLE Story of an Israeli Family Facing Terrorists Israel Hamas War IDF Gaza”

  1. A famous Rabbi from the 1st century, Shaul of Tarshish, said under the inspiration of God:
    "And this is the will of God, even your sanctification…" (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

    God's people are to reflect to the world the bright rays of his glory. But in order for them to do this, they must stand where these rays can fall on them. They must co-operate with God. The heart must be cleansed of all that leads to wrong. The Word of God must be read and studied with an earnest desire to gain from it spiritual power. The bread of heaven must be eaten and assimilated, becoming part of the life. Thus we gain eternal life. Thus is answered the prayer of Christ, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

    "This is the will of God, even your sanctification." Is it your will that your desires and inclinations shall be brought into harmony with the divine mind?
    {Review and Herald, January 28, 1904}

  2. I am a Christian in Canada. I found your channel because I was looking searching for the miracles and the hand of The Almighty. I know that He is stepping in to save His people. Am Israel Chai! Praise Adoni.

  3. אבא יקר ואהוב אבינו שבשמים מלך מלכי המלכים תודה תודה תודה על כל הניסים ונפלאות שעשית ועושה לנו יום יום. אמן ואמן

  4. All Christians have a religious duty to stand with Jews, because Jews are the True God's (Yahweh) own people… True God (Yahweh) saved Jews from the slavery of Egyptian Pharaoh under the leadership of Moses (Moosa) and gave them the Promised Land (Israel) as per his covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel)…. True God (Yahweh) promised to Abraham that, this Holy Land (Israel) will always belonged to his descendant (Israel) for ever…. Accordingly Jews (Israel) returned to their Promised Land (Israel) in 1948… But by that time, Promised Land (Israel) was occupied by many Evil Empires, finally it was occupied by Palestinians… Now Islam want to wipe-out Promised Land (Israel) from the World Map… However that will not happen, since the God (Yahweh) of Israel, who is also the God of Christian has covenant with Israel that, they will again get their Promised Land (Israel)… Hence all Christian of every denomination have a Religious Duty to stand with Israel… Whoever not stand with Israel will be punished according the God's Command…!!! Whoever stand with Israel will be blessed as per Bible…!!!


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