Against All Odds Episode 33 – Roe v. Wade

What does the overturning of Roe v. Wade mean for the legality of abortions?


2 thoughts on “Against All Odds Episode 33 – Roe v. Wade”

  1. I know this is just a step to end the killing of babies, but at least it is a step. I applaud BLEXIT for their work in all that they do for conservative common sense.

  2. This is an incredible moment in history. Thank God that so many unborn infants' lives will be saved by this ruling. I was sickened when I first read the words of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. She viewed many groups of people, including blacks, as inferior. I work with children with disabilities . . . children whom she described as "unfit!" Abortion, I believe, should be outlawed in EVERY state with the exception of saving the life of the mother. Still, repealing Roe v. Wade is a huge decision. I gladly take this win.


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