Against all odds, against all advice, arrival in Kazan.

“Are you not afraid? That they will disappear you? disembowel you? devour you alive?”

The “wonderful” advice & questions which I received before departure….. “Why do you never tell us anymore where you’re going on vacation?” The armchair-pilots will fly you straight back to your armchair if you let them!

Istanbul airport might be the most connected airport on our planet. Direct departures to Korea, USA, Africa, Europe, Iraq!, Afghanistan, and, crucially, Russia!

Turkish airlines was great. Ample, delicious meals, ample entertainment, no comments about my hand-luggage, a full-size acoustic guitar.

Kazan airport is much smaller than it’s Muscovite siblings. Therefore, the border police had much more time to examine aliens like me! “Why did I speak Russian?” “Which languages had I learned in my life?” “What was the address of my YouTube channel?” “Could I show photos of my previous travels in Russia?” We parted ways completely respectfully, obviously. New bff. Legends.

Then, new reality, I needed internet @ midnight in order to hail a cab. The baristo of the allnight café gave me access to his mobile hotspot. Legends.
I always tell fellow travelers in Russia, speak Russian with a heavy accent & 1000 mistakes per hour in order to unlock the next level in hospitality.

And then, try the same in London, Paris or Berlin 😂


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