Adam Silver "Openly Rooting for Laziness" Made the NBA Regular Season an Eyesore | BEN MALLER SHOW

BEN MALLER SHOW – Ben Maller explains why NBA commissioner Adam Silver gets 75% of the blame for why the NBA regular season is unwatchable.

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23 thoughts on “Adam Silver "Openly Rooting for Laziness" Made the NBA Regular Season an Eyesore | BEN MALLER SHOW”

  1. Truth be told, if I had kept my mouth shut, on social media. This whole preservation aspect wouldn't be the case. Surely the love of the game should override this, you know who had a "love of the game clause" allowing to play in pick up games 'his airness'. Are you in it for the $ or in it for💚(moneygreen)🤔MJ 23 ways to make the pay…

  2. I'd cut the regular season schedule enough to get rid of back-to-backs, and maybe cut the first round of the playoffs to 5 games. But other than that, I would not change the scheduling.

  3. So a man who couldn't spend 15 seconds on a nba court is calling professional athletes "lazy" over and over again. Incentives for work are given in every aspect of the corporate world. Go on a rant about that and how the corporate world should work with no incentives. You could focus on the corporate sports world. Or start with you? If you're not too lazy. The dog whistles laid throughout this segment lol. The gamblers "hard earned money," in contrast to the lazy players? Love how you slide in Draymond Green's "owners" reference as a problem. And that you need to be "street wise," to deal with athletes 🤣🤣🤣. You're not clearly. Just go write for Breitbart or something and quit letting these gamblers you're generalizing make you their donkey.

  4. Time to get rid of guaranteed contracts. Structure them like the NFL. Half the money guaranteed and the other half available through incentives. I’ve been pro player for a long while but these guys have just gone too far now. The Simmons debacle in particular was ridiculous.

  5. The NBA is a shitshow! Unwatchable. Basketball is a beautiful sport, but the modern NBA is the distant inbred cousin of basketball. Players don’t want to play. When they do they play they spend more time acting like Jackie Chan’s rivals or standing on the free throw line than actually playing. Players either despise or bail on the fans who root for them. Fundamentally disasterous teenagers play far more minutes than they should and water down the quality of the sport. Teams who are filled with those teenagers and are actively trying to lose still make the playoffs. I could go on and on and on. Us old guys may point out way to many flaws of modern life, but on this there just no room for debate.

    One last thing. The NBA is not anywhere near more talented than at any point in it’s history. I won’t rant on why.

  6. 2 fold answer…..make regular season count more than does…..where seeding really matters….spot higher seed 3 points in home games during playoffs…..or something like that…..2ndly… contracts, have to work in more money for more games in playoffs that you play In the season

  7. The NBA is unwatchable because its no longer a professional, its no longer competitive its just like watching a bunch of kids running gym drills and shooting 3's, the players are soft bums (who would be embarrassed playing street ball with the average man) with miserly altheticism or toughness, hence the lack of proper defense.

  8. Just give them zero on their stats if they don't play games without a legit health excuse. Their stats is what gets them paid in the future, they'll start playing.

  9. But kids think players today are bigger and stronger and they can’t even stay healthy for just 82 games like they did regularly back in the day. This league is fill with soft pussies that wouldn’t even last and the Boston Celtics are making an example out of KD right now in spite of the fact they still can’t use handcheck


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