A Text Book start, mostly : Oxygen not included

How many narcoleptics does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one but the dupe will stop half way through, get distracted and then wander off and have lunch. It’s good to be back to ONI, it’s feels like it has been years not 10 months. Also the encouragement to just have fun and not plan anything to over the top does make this far more relaxing.

Credits song – Aaron Kenny – Happy Haunts



DGSM – Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony

Save game file :


19 thoughts on “A Text Book start, mostly : Oxygen not included”

  1. If you make 3 schedules, offset by 8 hours, they'll never try to use the toilet at the same time. In fact, if you make 12 schedules, offset by 2 hours, you can literally have 12 duplicants per toilet (although you should still have 2 ~ 4 toilets, in different points of the map, so they don't waste too much time walking to them).

  2. Hooray!! A tip with droppy dupes: make the bottom of your ladder column an “evolution chamber” so dropped eggs don’t turn into critters that chow down on other dropped resources. I’ve also used a dedicated sweeper to whisk non-eggs onto another level.

  3. I think you should let them sleep out when their narcoleptism kicks in. It feels like cheating when you use the Move action. Otherwise it is not a fun "game mode", it is just a micro management-nuisance.

  4. Finally. The waiting is over :D. Happy that you started a new season of ONI. How about a group of flatulence dupes and use the gas to power "something". Not sure what it should power :P. And of course they need to be on the gassy planet 😛

  5. With the last couple content updates, instead of remembering how to play the first place, the most difficult thing in starting a new colony for me is to try to incorporate the new features in the gameplay. They aren't really necessary, so I find it hard to put any focus on them between the many things that actually need to be done.


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