The New Hero Selection Voice Lines are EPIC! – Overwatch 2

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0:00 Ana
0:05 Ashe
0:09 Baptiste
0:12 Bastion
0:17 Brigitte
0:21 Cassidy
0:24 D.Va
0:28 Doomfist
0:33 Echo
0:53 Hanzo
0:58 Junkrat
1:01 Lucio
1:04 Mei
1:07 Mercy
1:10 Moira
1:15 Orisa
1:18 Pharah
1:21 Reaper
1:25 Reinhart
1:28 Roadhog
1:32 Sojourn
1:37 Soldier 76
1:41 Sombra
1:45 Torbjorn
1:48 Tracer
1:52 Winston


28 thoughts on “The New Hero Selection Voice Lines are EPIC! – Overwatch 2”

  1. Sombra's words say a lot about what's her true intention in all of this conflict. If there's another one to desert Talon, that's her.
    …but all game is fair for her, as long as she uncovers the "Eye", so i wouldn't be surprised if she double cross everyone in sight : P

  2. Does anyone not notice Genji literally getting nothing? No changes, no new voicelines (that i am aware of), don't forget about the others too like sym, sig, ect

  3. "Honor is all I have left" as aposed to "Hanzo, at your service" Suggests that Hanzo did in fact choose a side, as his brother told him he'd need to.
    He chose his brother, I don't mean Overtwatch, he just chose to stand with Genji., this is also suggested throughout Overwatch 1, where there is the periodic Hanzo moaning, but something something like when Genji and Hanzo are locked in the spawn room, they will say:
    Genji: "What would our father think of what we'd become…?"
    Hanzo: "It's hard to know who he'd be more dissapointed with."
    And while this sounds pretty brutal, it also has an undertone of brotherly banter.


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