A Serious UFO Sighting!

Did you watch the Congressional UFO hearings? We have, and we’re ready to talk all things aliens! Hannah has a sighting of her own to share. Then we give our brief from the hearings. Finally we have to share some conspiracies and theories that are our favorites. Join us on our hunt for UFO’s and UAP’s, whatever that means!?

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30 thoughts on “A Serious UFO Sighting!”

  1. Come to Colorado! In the southern part of the state, there is the San Luis Valley, known for paranormal sightings and the only place I’ve had any experiences myself. There’s a campground and visitors center called the UFO Watchtower and the tallest sand dunes in North America, where you can rent a wheelchair that has special wheels to go out on the sand. The sand dunes are also a designated dark skies area, where the view of the stars is phenomenal.

  2. I believe that they also come out from the ocean, there’s been many sightings of some thing and identified shooting out of the ocean and shooting in.
    I also think they’d be nuts to come down here. They probably think this is the most violent place they’ve ever seen.

  3. I have had a couple of 'sightings over the years' that to this day haven't been answered. The first was when I was on the golf course with my Mother. We had just arrived at the 17th tee and it started to rain, just lightly. I looked up at the clouds and saw a stationary 'something that had lights on it. I told Mum, she looked up and saw it too. It didn't move or get larger or samller – this is important because the golf course was close to Auckland International Airport (New Zealand). It wasn't a plane. And then it was just gone. we talked about it, others has seen 'something' but we never able to find out just what. This was in 1977. The second sighting was more of a fire ball or afterburner sort of thing. I was with a friend in her back garden, the sun was just going down, this thing appeared and just as quickly disappeared, That was in Central Queensland, Australia, 2003 (I think). I went home and was sitting on my verandah as it got dark and I saw what I thought was the same thing and it came and went just as quickly. I waited around out there for a long time but didn't see it again. There's probably a lot of life out in the universe, we just don't know what form(s) it would take.

  4. I'm hoping that the 'elite' aren't aliens because that would mean that we would be taken over by psychopaths one day – if the aliens that bred them come back! There have been many, many sightings by military and other professional pilots all over the world over the years. I rather hope if aliens ever make contacts they don't do so in the US! I've seen the movie 'They Came to Earth' and they got shot at, a lot. lol I read Erich Von Danikens books when I was much younger, I still think that some of the things he talked about couldn't have been made/done by primitive humans. This has been very interesting. Thank you both 😁

  5. Thank you for sharing your story Hannah. There will be more and more people getting the courage to share their own experiences. Shane, when I was around five years old I had several dreams of ash-colored beings coming into my bedroom, carrying a cylinder that made noise and scared me. I called them the "ash men" because of how they looked and smelled, and remember thinking they had on sunglasses. I still remember those dreams, at least bits of them, today, and I just turned 70. I didn't think alien back then, and it was only many many years later that I wondered.

  6. It’s so depressing to think that the military is studying the technology for wars and not saving the planet we are destroying. Maybe they don’t care because they are on their way to abandoning us here.

  7. I believe that they are real, but if you believe in God, and in the story of him throwing lucifer and 1/3 of the angels out of heaven, that they are in the dimension we can't see into, and they can pop in and out, and are hybrids from the fallen angels and demons! Just as the giants born from the sons of god, which were the fallen ones, and human women! I believe Big Foot, and other cryptids come from the same place as well! They are great at deception!

  8. OK HANNAH..I watched EXACTLY THE SAME THING ONE NIGHT ON kauai …..high high in the sky…the fast zig zag "flight" was like nothing else….it was a red color.
    I have another story however it was confusing .
    The above report is all for now!

  9. When I was a kid, I lived in the middle of nowhere in North Carolina. My brother and mom were at the hospital getting him stitches, and I was home with my Dad. He was sitting in his chair, and I was sitting at the screen door waiting on my brother to get home. It was about 9 pm. The next thing I know, there is literally a saucer type thing above the big tree in our front yard. It had blue and yellow lights on the outside. I vividly remember thinking, “I wonder why the tree isn’t moving if there’s a plane above it?” I asked my Dad to come look, and he walked over. He looked up towards the sky, and it literally disappeared in milliseconds while we watched it. He grabbed me, slammed the door, and ran into the bathroom with me. 😂 I asked him what happened, and he said, “I never believed in aliens until now!” My mom still to this day think we lied to her about it.

  10. What blows my mind the most about all this is after being told that UFOs and/or aliens are real, we all just collectively went "Yep" and continued on with business as usual. lol

  11. Here my story from over in the uk. As a teenager my dad did endurance riding and I went with him sometimes. This often involved really early starts. We did a 4am start one day and whilst going along a straight lane in the countryside close to the village where we lived we saw a triangular bright light still in the sky. It stayed still for a few seconds and then shot off in a straight line much faster than anything I have seen move. That’s it, so strange but dad and I saw it clearly. This was in the late 1980’s in Derbyshire uk close to Ashbourne.

  12. What a fun podcast this was! 👏🥰Very interesting too 😊 I love how you explore these topics with rationality but still keeping an open mind. My personal view on such matters is this…. I 1000% believe there is life out there besides us. In what form that life is, who can say. Many minds greater than mine have pondered this question and analyzed the science behind it all. There are several fantastic books, documentaries, shows and podcasts which explore these topics from a scientific stand-point using mathematics to calculate probabilities based on our total combined knowledge of the universe thus far. I also 1000% believe in Unidentified Flying Objects. Whether they are of alien origins is another matter. Possible? Yes. Likely? Less so. I also 1000% believe that many people all over the world throughout history have had encounters like Hannah's that are confounding. Whilst all that is true, I also 1000% prescribe to the theory of Occam's Razor. So far, every story I have ever read or heard can be explained in ways other than extraterrestrial interaction. That doesn't mean it's not extraterrestrial, it just means there are other plausible explanations. And when you have two or more plausible explanations, I tend to think that (in the absence of substantial undeniable proof) the more likely explanation is most likely to be correct. What these few men in the congressional hearing are saying should definitely be listened to. As they said in the hearing (and you echoed in your podcast), if for no other reason just for national security reasons, in case it is a foreign power responsible for having access to technology and organic compounds we have yet to encounter, etc. Or if the wreckage is falling debris from the cosmos, are we recovering some alien version of a satellite or probe? It doesn't necessarily need to be a spacecraft. In any case, I think it is important to keep open minds about such matters and explore all avenues whilst also taking all of these things with a grain of salt. Because whilst it is fascinating to let our imaginations run wild it is also incumbent upon us, especially in the times we face now, to continually examine things from all angles. To challenge ourselves to consider alternative explanations for things but to do so with logic and reason. There is plenty of space in this world for everyone to have their own thoughts and beliefs about various topics ranging from theology to UFOs to conspiracy theories, ghosts, vampires and everything in between. But we must continue to separate such things with fact (things that can be repeated, reliably, within set parameters and proven). They can live together in the same space but they are separate. Once in a while, the two cross-over. Things that once began as fringe theories were eventually proven true. Or things we held to be true were proven false when new data emerged. One day perhaps there will be undeniable, reproducible evidence of aliens. But, right now, it still sits in that category of possible, even moving towards plausible but it is still FAR from being able to be adopted into undeniable fact. Who knows what the future will bring though! 👽👾🧐🛸 If they are out there, let's just hope they are benign and benevolent!

  13. First time for me when i was living in las Vegas. I had to rethink everything i thought i knew in life. One was so weird, didn't see or hear it but my camera on my phone picked it up. It was in the intersection flying around my chevy and shot off and made a vapor trail where airliners go in a snap of a finger. On my channel i posted a few original clips and one where i did a color filter so you can see it much better. There is so much explaining on these so check out the description on the videos because it's too much effort to re explaining everything

  14. Last year, when I was living in CT I saw what looked like a huge ball of fire coming down the sky wayyy too slowly. And it was in the middle of the day. I thought, maybe it’s just a meteor, a satellite or maybe a plane crush so I googled pretty extensively, but nothing came up. It was such a weird thing!!

  15. Are we all forgetting that our own and other countries have advanced aircraft (some from China were in the news previously matching these descriptions)….which probably aren't public knowledge…of which there are probably many 'sightings' from around the world…hello…anyone…?

  16. About 5+ years ago I heard from folks who really follow this topic say that info will start slowly trickling out about Aliens/UFO’s. If the world powers just admitted everything all at once, people would panic so there has to be a very slow and methodical release of information over many years. Every time I see another TV show pop up or these hearings I think about that slow dissemination of info.

  17. My mother said she saw the same exact thing with the lights (looked like stars) that were pinging back and forth and zigzagging around the sky. Probably happened around 2002-2003. Definitely something out there for sure.

  18. My sighting was in summer 2011 or 2012 around midnight. I live in a small village 700m above sea level overlooking the rest of the municipality 200m lower. I saw a hovering light. It wasn't emitting any light, but it was clearly not a street lamp (too high) and not a star (way too low and too big). It seemed low from my point of view, but not from the valley. It was completely silent, so I thought it was a glider plane, but why would there be one that late and there would have to have been a plane to bring it up. Drones weren't really a thing back then and it wouldn't be silent either. The light eventually zoomed and left my perspective on the top left, where it went behind the hill. I have no idea what that could have been. Definitely nothing I know. Hard to tell how far or how big it was, but I'd say it was small. Like a drone size.

  19. About 35 years ago my two daughters and I saw 3 flying saucer shapes moving slowly across the sky. We are in London.Also another time I looked out of my window where the back garden was and saw a large dish shaped blue light hovering above the neighbours roof. The next day it was in the local paper that so many people saw the same thing.
    True story.


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