Chris Rock Calls Arresting Trump Stupid: "He''ll Get More Popular" – CH News Show – Chris Rock has now shared his reaction to news that Donald Trump may be indicted. During a recent event, Rock would explain that arresting former president Trump we’ll only make him more popular. Instagram: @ComedyHype & Twitter: @ComedyHype_


41 thoughts on “Chris Rock Calls Arresting Trump Stupid: "He''ll Get More Popular" – CH News Show”

  1. My only issue is he used 2pac as an example. Outside of that, Rock is on his Chappelle with none of Chappelles oratory skills or well researched and well articulated views..but he has a point

  2. Pierre always sitting in the middle ass nigga with his answers lol.. he ain't slick. And wtf did that 'hurt ppl hurt hurt ppl' comparison have to do with anything lol? Love you brother no hate, just recognizing a light skin ass nigga when i hear/see one lmao 😂🖤💯

  3. Chris Rick is 100 percent correct. It won’t increase Trumps popularity in our community be we’re not the majority. We need to start looking at these situations objectively.

  4. I don't agree with Chris Rock. Trump had 75+ million people voted for him. Either people love Trump or hate him! Trump will not get more popular;however, the crazy people that support Trump may protest..

  5. I still can't believe people still believe that everything that's in front of them is as real as it appears to be this show is called comedy hype , and for what I believe is to the contrary, I grew up in the early years of wrestling, and how things were fixed, that is still what this reminds me of, from the very start of this whole Fiasco oh, it's almost like one thing leads to another, with money to be made, but with a purpose, and that is why I believe Chris Rock was willing to take a slap, to do a show people couldn't wait to hear his response, the non-disclosure agreement is the most important part of this whole event, that is to sign an agreement to where you cannot speak upon what's about ready to occur, just think to yourself and put yourself Chris Rock's shoes for 1 minute when Will Smith approached him, he had chuckled and laughed, but if that wasn't expected to happen the way it did, his natural reaction would have been not what was displayed, if you know something about ready to happen, you would do just what he did and accept everything that was about to happen, and that's not even being a conspiracy, now I am big on the process of elimination and 2 + 2 equals 4 we'll get you where you got to go every time, if Dave Chappelle would never ever spoke about the LBGTQ community, there would never have been a need for that slap in the first place, and I've been saying this all along oh, it was just to send a message to Dave Chappelle about what can happen to him, if he continues to denigrate that community, and then what happens Dave Chappelle gets attacked out at a comedy show, for some reason black comedians can't show power and authority, when touching on certain subject matters, and the only way I strongly believe to silence him was to do it this way, because of this so-called freedom of speech that we just don't have as FBA comedians or for that matter in other areas as well, so ask yourself one question, will you take a slap for 40 million dollars, and Jada is also a part of this whole scheme, during Chris Rock special, at the end oh, he said he have parents and he was raised in a correct manner oh, well the last time I checked, I can almost assure you that his parents wouldn't have approved of him calling Miss Jada Smith the B word, and I do believe that Jada Pinkett Smith knew beforehand that Chris Rock was going to call her that word, and probably got paid for him using it against her…… these people do not play fair in Hollywood, it's all about the next move!!!!!

  6. Trump was correct when he said, “I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they’ll still vote for me”. I think Trump meant the Judicial System would never charge him for any crimes.

  7. Unlike Clinton, Trump never reimbursed his lawyer, Cohen, to pay off the porntress. Cohen paid her from his own funds. Cohen's advisor, Costello, just testified to the NYC grand jury to that affect. They have nothing.

  8. Not as stupid as it as for him to let 2
    Will Smith to slap him at the Oscar’s and not righteously defend himself. In my opinion, he put out the wrong message to his kids . He gave people a respect that don’t deserve it, cause they damaged him physically, spiritually, mentally.

  9. All I know is I hope there isn’t another protest on Trump’s behalf due to his arrest. This is exactly what happened at The Capitol all the Trump supporters came out and acted a fool with barely any consequence.


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