A leak of a zombie virus drink created by Weapons triggers an outbreak within the company.

In a weapon manufacturing company, a defective drink intended for the military accidentally infects employees, turning them into zombies. Chaos ensues as the infected attempt to spread the virus. Two survivors, armed and determined, navigate the zombie-infested office to find an antidote located in the warehouse. The company’s corrupt leaders, exploiting the chaos, intensify the situation. A final confrontation unfolds between the survivors and the mastermind in a mech suit. The detonation of explosives leads to the escape of the survivors, concluding the zombie outbreak.

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19 thoughts on “A leak of a zombie virus drink created by Weapons triggers an outbreak within the company.”

  1. Funny how the police and military just ignored the whole event and no one bothered to call for them either xD
    Well, might have been better because otherwise they would have messed everything up by trying to secure the zombie making energy drink


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