A Group of Soldiers Try To Hunt Monsters, But It Turns Out They Are The Monsters!

Welcome to Movie Shortens. In this dystopian world, the military has been equipped with a neuron implant that provides them with cool VR like features for their brain.
They hunt the vicious monsters through it, but soon find out that this implant has altered their senses and has made them the real monsters.
This went from cool to creepy really fast, let’s see more.

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10 thoughts on “A Group of Soldiers Try To Hunt Monsters, But It Turns Out They Are The Monsters!”

  1. It's crazy how the whole episode I didn't even realize how off everything looked. And anything that did look bleak I just thought was bc it was to convey the dystopian landscape. But then once his mass stops working now the grass is really green and the sky looks normal. Awesome detail when we rewatch the episode.

  2. great episode and recap. Notice the basis of the "roaches" classification: It is arbitrary (determined by whatever society, societal relative), and inconsistent. ANYTIME the value of LIFE is not derived from natural rights outside of GOD, it is going to be arbitrary and inconsistent. During WW2 the Germans determined by their ARBITRARY standards that Jews were the roaches, During slavery, the value of a Negro was a determined by the society. The worst of GENOCICE and SLAVERY is based on being ARBITRARY and INCONSISTENT. But it goes further. All the babies aborted in the womb is based and JUSTIFIED on SOCIETY's perception of "the value of that life inside the womb". THAT IS ARBITRARY. We do have to talk about the fact that there is medical privacy (PRIVACY), and personal Choice (CHOICE), however when applying rights we have to apply them CONSISTENTLY. We all support medical privacy and choice, but just because I support privacy doesnt mean I am free to murder someone who is inside the privacy of my own home. We have FREE SPEECH, but that doesnt mean I can yell fire in a crowded movie theater. RIGHTS are always applied CONSISTENTLY, in relation to their importance, and the application of rights are to be fully derived FROM God, not Man.


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