A Dive Into Scorn's Artbook | An explanation of its hidden lore.

Scorn is so much more than we realised.


49 thoughts on “A Dive Into Scorn's Artbook | An explanation of its hidden lore.”

  1. I thought it was about a civilization of humanoids where females died out and males had to be made in all sorts of ways. They looked highly advanced but eventually died out and the only thing left is a half working reproduction system. But because of the decaying world, the failed project and mutations the world just fell apart and all that did in fact live was twisted and mutated.

    There are hints that they didn’t even do this themselves and that there was alien intervention and everything is so symbolic and metaphorical I couldn’t make sense of it all. There are clear signs of debauchery and an obsession with being

  2. Just finished this game and I am soooo hooked. I had no expectations when I started it and ended being so hooked at the end that I just wanted to explore more, find out more about the lore. This video answered so many questions that I had. Thank you 🙂

  3. People keep bashing this game., I found out about it recently when it came out but was just taken back by the setting and atmosphere.., I really think we will be getting more in a second game or DLC I just hope people give it a chance so that way it’s more of a possibility we will get more

  4. there are girls in a pile of other dead people. i do remember seeing a theory that all the women died off so they needed men to clone each other cause of the pregnant men things at the end you control and because the dead bodies and the born creatures you see were all male, but there are women bodies so it isnt the case the women died off

  5. 7:33
    To be honest, when playing the game I was thinking maybe the planet could be Mars years ago; its bit far fetch to think that but I think it could be, the world looks desolate on the surface and Baren like Mars. So maybe the surviving race could've went to earth because it had more life but they evolved to what humans are now. While what's left of the scorn race either died out or few surviving in other areas.

  6. People haven't been seeing women? There's a pile of bodies within the first 20 minutes of the game with several female scorn people in it. Like it's right there in the very beginning of the game

  7. There is a lot of unrealized potential in Scorn, it's the type of game that would really benefit from a sequel. Scorn is comparable, in my opinion, to the extremely simplistic first Portal and the sequel in terms of the general fulfillment of vision and the substantial increase in complexity gameplay-wise, but also in level diversity and story. On a side note, for some reason, Scorn reminds me of Quake 4. Anyone else feel this way?

  8. I'm quite puzzled at why some people hate this game so much (mostly in the reddit community for it and gaming forums) to the point where it seems like the main character materialized inside their house and murdered their loved ones. I understand not enjoying it because you wanted something more action oriented or a story that explained itself differently, but this level of hatred simply because you didn't enjoy the depressive and nihilistic atmosphere of the game is ridiculous.

  9. It's kind of sad that the artbook delivers a more complete, more coherent, and much more intriguing story than the actual game. For nearly 8 years of waiting and a $40 price tag, we should have gotten so much more than a 2.5-3 hour teaser : I don't mean to hate on the devs or anything…there is a lot about the game to like as it is in its current state, but it's only a half-baked effort in the end. I feel like maybe the devs ran out of time and money, and/or didn't have enough employees to deliver the game the originally intended.

  10. I think the higher culture is the “elite” in this place where they are well off enough to see pleasure as a culture. Anyone below them is only seen as a resource

  11. Polis – the City.
    Politics – the business of the City.
    Polity – a collective identity of/in the City.
    Policy – the laws of the City.
    Police – the enforcers of the laws of the City.
    Metropolis – the mother City.

  12. Ive never seen a community so defensive of an incomplete product, to the point they make a imaginary enemy of the people that criticize the game despicting them as (not intelligent enough or too shalow) to apreciate an art gallery.
    Ignoring the fact they and literally everyone needed the artbook to understans the story, ambient story telling can also be badly done.

  13. As near as I can tell, the Tower Creature is itself the source of those warped, cancerous humans. It is outright described as producing monsters, and the humanoids seem to be growing from the pressure release valves of the containers for its ground flesh. They aren't humans being reduced to cancerous flesh so much as cancerous flesh being shaped into humans.
    I'd also guess that the Crater Mother is of the same species as the Tower Creature, or at least suffers the same condition. They share rudimentary similarities: both being enormous, both dominating their environments with their cancerous growths, and both producing monsters as a byproduct of those growths. This would seemingly imply that whatever sustenance she requires to grow is so easy to acquire as to not matter, as the Tower Creature's growth could only be managed by the facility around it. This presumably means that they are both functionally impossible to starve or otherwise atrophy.

  14. i could've forgave the lack of engaging gameplay,the bad combat,and the lack of enemies if they would have given it a proper story…there is to much concept and potential from the art book,that it genuinely disappointed me seeing how much stuff wasn't used.

  15. This explains why the game feels like it was mashed together in a haste. Half the content didnt make it into the game and the other half got duplicated /reused to make up for it. I really wish they would have taken more time, although the game development took so much time already…

  16. They did way too much erasing. It feels like everytime they got somewhere with their concepts/story or gameplay mechanics they said “no that wont work scratch that, start over” and it sucks bc the potential for this realm is there

  17. I'll always feel that Scorn is about a world where biotechnology was taken to its most utmost, where even your body was the same material as building you were in. They'd mastered DNA and biology to a degree that they didn't need 'machines' per say. They just grew them as needed. That they'd had this vibrant, eerie civilization…and then something went wrong. The biological aspect went out of kilter. Evolved too fast, too far, and became uncontrollable. And since EVERYTHING was biotech, that meant that the infection spread to everything. Instead of biology doing what it was designed to do, commanded to do, it started growing and evolving on its own. And those that had thought they were in control of Life Itself found themselves drowned in organic horror, tainted, corrupted, or just straight up died. So while the civilization crumbled, the machinery that made that culture function just kept working…even while the corruption grew within it and caused it to wither and die.

    As the player, we're not important in that world. In the time of that culture's prime, we probably would have made our way to the Assembly, and incorporated ourselves into some job or other, until we died and were replaced like a cog in a machine. But in this half-dead, dying world, we wander with no true purpose because…there's no one left to tell us what we were supposed to do. It's all gone, and everything we do is flailing in the dark by comparison to what came before.

  18. I thoroughly enjoyed this game but man some of these cut areas sound like they would've been a joy to play. I doubt it but it would be cool to see future DLC that explores these cut areas, perhaps as another "human" from the genesis wall. Who knows they could even have it run parallel to the main game, sort of like what Outlast Whisteblower did where it takes place before, during, and after the events of the main game.

  19. I still like the game, tho with context from the artbook gives me different thinking, as after I expirianced the game without the artbook I took it as metaphor of a body dying of cancer and you being just a cell in this body, trying in vein to follow what your job was.
    The other theory I had was about the civilisation there working towards transcendence at any cost and trampling and using everything in their path as a tool and discarding it once it stopped being usefull, the creatures being failed attempts at this process that went rampant.

    With context of artbook the second theory seems quite more plausible, but adds in a story of one civilisation creating disbalance in the body of their planet by their transcendence goals. Which well… feeds into cancer alegory- but it goes deeper in both ends. Both civilisation that tried the ascention is the cancer but also the meat creatures going rampant are, tho they are peacefull and not understand how their existence is harming things around them where the civilisation is far more malignant through their abuses

  20. I love the idea of homunculi being these batteries of hallucinogens used in shells, making them more and more vibrant in color, and ascending them to a "higher state of consciousness" with the scorn people basically hopping back and forth between bodies with the more vibrant shells being sort of status symbol which have a much higher state of consciousness than the rest. its such a cool concept with batteries being not energy based but more or less a natural, more advanced version of acid or psychedelic mushrooms juice based used to conscious-hop between bodies.

    the moldmen the people created with the sole intention to build with, cyborgs created by the living battery people because they're genetically modified so grotesquely they need them to function properly, and the weird crater things that I still don't fully understand what they could do or might be for whose design evokes so much backstory and lore that im not convinced is even there. this games atmosphere and the 'death to the author' mentality and way of telling any semblance of a story is so amazing to me and honestly should be explored more often in all types of media.

  21. Do the dev just make excuse as the story is far more better if it leaves some sense of mystery, symbolic, philosophy of life, headcanon lores to the player. When in fact they also don't know wtf is going on and are sex deprived hence making a BDSM sort of milking stuff into their game for a reason of "reproduction" whatever it is.


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