(Hearthstone) Showdown in the Badlands! First Look + Balance Change Thoughts

(Showdown in the Badlands Standard) First Look + Balance Change Thoughts
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20 thoughts on “(Hearthstone) Showdown in the Badlands! First Look + Balance Change Thoughts”

  1. That's a really good point. Plague DK with Helya literally just shuts off highlander cards permanently. Kinda weird decision to bring that back with it still in standard. Plus, the Hunter one is just not interesting. It's essentially pre-nerfed Prison Breaker, except with at added benefit of being like Olgra in a class that doesn't really have that many hand buffs. Unless new cards are printed that make it better, I don't think it will see play. The Shaman one, I'm pretty sure will see play, but, depending on how popular it is, it might bring back a viper meta

  2. i love that you have a different take on corpse farm (12:59). i've seen regis do a quick review and his estimation was exactly the other way around. he see's the potential of a lowroll and much rather have a simple 8/8 statst like corpse bride delivers than a 3mana 8cost-lowroll. both of you concentrade on exactly the other end of the spectrum of rolls 🙂

  3. My elementary school in rural Alabama had square dancing as part of the curriculum. It’s hilarious to me that it was because of rock and roll music and it just never got looked at twice since inception in that district.


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