7 Days To Die – Alpha 21 E21 (Don't Break Into Cop Cars!) Insane Feral Sense PermaDeath

My name is OHG, and these are my first steps into Alpha 21. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. If you know me, then you’ll know that the only way I like to play is on the HARDEST DIFFICULTY SETTINGS. Always on Insane Difficulty with Feral Sense turned ON, Nightmare run speed on Horde Nights, and, of course, Permadeath with each playthrough. Meaning just One Life. So, if I die, even once, that’s it. It’s all over.

And we’re gonna kick things off with HARDCORE! Keeping me on my toes with zombies continuously Running at me during the day, Sprinting at me at night, and an absolute NIGHTMARE for me during the Blood Moon. This, combined with Insane and Feral Sense, will make one hell of a challenge!

Over the years, I’ve found this to be my favorite style of play. Having a good balance that can test my skills and abilities, and even push me to my limits while I make my way through the world of 7 Days To Die. So let’s dive into it and see what new adventures Alpha 21 has to offer!

Insane, Feral Sense, One Life.

Only Hardcore Gaming

Game Name: Alpha 21 (Hardcore)
Game World: PREGEN10k
Difficulty Settings: Insane
Zombie Day Speed: Jog
Zombie Night Speed: Sprint
Zombie Feral Speed: Sprint
Zombie Blood Moon Speed: Nightmare
Zombie Feral Sense: All
Drop On Death: Delete All
Blood Moon Count: 64 Enemies
Loot Respawn Time: 30 Days
Chunk Reset Time: 100 Days
Lives: One



Purchase 7 Days To Die on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/251570/7_Days_to_Die/

#7DaysToDie #Alpha21 #Insane #FeralSense #OneLife #Hardcore #Permadeath #PermanentDeath #Permadead #DeadIsDead #7D2D #7DTD #A20 #Nightmare #OnlyHardcoreGaming #OHG #Hardcore #HardcoreGamer #1Life #SurvivalGame #CraftingGame #VideoGames #Game #Games #Gaming #Gamer #Gamers #Minecraft #Fortnite #Valheim #Rust #CallOfDuty #COD #Diablo2 #Diablo2Resurrected #Zombie #Zombies #ZombieGame #Feral #FeralWight #Wight #ZombieDog #ZombieBird #ZombieBear #Horde #TFP #TheFunPimps #Glock9 #Vedui42 #JaWoodle #ReachGaming #Skippy0330 #Kraken #Games4Kickz #Capp00 #Kage848 #GameEdged #VERTiiGOGAMING #KhainesKorner #7DayToDie #7Days #Radiated #Mutated #Wasteland #TierV #Tier5 #DireWolf #PopNPills #Laboratory


5 thoughts on “7 Days To Die – Alpha 21 E21 (Don't Break Into Cop Cars!) Insane Feral Sense PermaDeath”

  1. Just note that the current magazine crafting system suffers from one major flaw. When you got your rewards and you were very happy about getting those great max cloth armour. Well, that is max level 6 for a few of the armour pieces. Why do you need to craft armour when you get it in rewards. Level 6 armour, tools, and weapons cannot be crafted. So, why bother with crafting when you will get it in rewards and loot. Crafting only goes up to level 5, so by the time you get to a high enough level to craft that level 5 steel sledgehammer, you will likely already have one or maybe even a level 6.

  2. I just really hope you don't meet your end due to TFP doing a lot of trap and cheese type spawning in A21. A lot of players have moaned about zombies suddenly spawning in around you, especially in final loot areas. If it looks suspicious, then don't take a chance. Your ability to pick up traps is pretty good, and your mastery of playing this game is top notch, just hope it is not spoiled by some cheesy ending.


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