5 HORRIFYING Paranormal TikTok Stories I Can't Stop Thinking About… The Scary Side of TikTok

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Wanna watch another? ♡
14 PARANORMAL TikToks & Videos (DO NOT WATCH ALONE)… Scary Side of TikTok | Scream Stream https://youtu.be/b30r7qKNQLo
34 TERRIFYING TikToks I NEVER Should Have Watched Alone… The Scary Side of TikTok | Loey Lane https://youtu.be/jIcoccBz45A
TikTok Doesn’t Think Fat People Deserve Clothes, Actually! https://youtu.be/vdw3gNY-H3Q

Helloooo my loves!! Today we are looking into the Haunted Side of TikTok (aka the paranormal videos from the SCARY side of TikTok) to watch these 5 true paranormal TikTok stories. From a ouija board to a real ghost seen at a cemetary (with proof), there’s something in here that will convince YOU that ghosts are real.
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0:00 Hi, helloey!
2:39 Ouija Board Demon
9:17 The Ghost Cop
18:06 Her Boyfriend’s Mimic
22:35 It Crawled Under Her Bed…
29:53 THE Most Haunted House Ever

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Hi, hello, my name is Loey Lane aka LoeyLane! I also go by Loeybug on the web. No matter what name you know me by, I LOVE all things paranormal, spooky and scary. On this channel we talk about the scary side of the internet including TikTok, True Crime, internet mysteries and so much more. If you want something to keep you up at night or just to get scared on your lunch break, I’m your girl! I also love plus size fashion and body positivity. Hope you stay for awhile 😀

End card art by https://twitter.com/littlejennared
Edited by MEEE


44 thoughts on “5 HORRIFYING Paranormal TikTok Stories I Can't Stop Thinking About… The Scary Side of TikTok”

  1. Noooooo the lil white dog wasn't a ghost doggie!?!! I most definitely thought it was and I thought she was going to get locked in!!!–my late husband and I were once locked into cemetery grounds for 2 hours..I was able to wave down a cop car tht just soo happened to drive past the front gates..he figured out the number of the grounds keeper, and got ahold of him for us. He swore he did his lil drive thru thr grounds to make sure no one was still there, yet didn't notice us.. which is crazy bc we NEVER ONCE seen anyone else in the cemetery while we were there. BTW grounds keeper lived 2 towns over…he had just made it home when the officer called him to help us get out hahaha. 😅🤦🏽‍♀️

  2. When I was about 13 I went to a slumber party and we did an ouija board. I don’t really remember what happened but I was terrified. To this day I still have really bad anxiety about the boards. When my daughter was growing up I told her to Never bring one into our house. It has been about 50 years since my experience. I am still terrified.

  3. I'm not sure that the black dog that Teagan saw was entirely a bad sign, it very well could just have been a church grim, they protect the souls of the graveyard. Paired with the "nothing" not "nobody" gets out from the ghost cop could've very much signaled to her "ok I gotta get out, there's not just people here"

  4. I had several paranormal experiences when I was young , my mom & my Nana believed me , they both saw & experienced things too , even now I think I’m still sensitive to the other side , most of the time it doesn’t frighten me , but there has been the odd occasion that I’ve been really spooked by !

  5. 19:38 the being pretty religious part absolutely does not excuse anyone from having random paranormal experiences i can testify to that . I live with my mother in law right next to a church that we both attend (her much more than me but i digress) and she grooms dogs for a living , and im pretty sure she got this little cross candle holder from one of her customers . But for some reason when she brought this little trinket into the house everything about the energy in EVERYONE living in this house flipped like a switch . Like one day everything was great and fine and the next everyone was at eachothers throats and there were screaming matches damn near every day . Low and behold , MIL gets our pastor and other church members to come over and pray over the entire property and boom it all stops . No more crazy mood swings no more dogs going crazy and cowering away from one specific spot on the back porch , which shares a wall with my bedroom btw , im sure there was more going on but i cant remember specifics atm . But yea , being religious or devout absolutely doesnt stop something from just coming in if its unknowingly allowed or invited

  6. The farm house that the mother records, I think it's been investigated before. I remember seeing that basement, but I cant remember if it was Jasko who went or if it was MindSeed.

  7. The black dog in the cemetery might have been a church grim. They are spirit/fae-like entities that often haunt church and cemetery grounds as both protectors and omens. I’ve had a few runnins with church grims. As long as you have no intentions of doing damage to graves, they mostly leave you alone. Some people think that seeing one is an omen of your death but from personal experience, I think they’re just warning against being disrespectful of sacred grounds. The church grim might have been warning her not to overstay her welcome.

  8. I live in the Appalachain area I have so many stories that are true maybe I’ll share em sometime w ya girlie. Where I lived as a child when I would play outside in dirt we would dig holes idk why 😂lol but guess we had nothin better to do but we would find arrow heads everywhere. N when our dogs would dig we found all kinds of random stuff like stones w markings n more arrow heads. The property was my grandfathers first I have no idea how long it was in our family prior but in 1995or so he was around 100years old when he died so it was at least tht long ik of. The houses on all the land were super old one didn’t even have an inside bathroom js it’s old af🤣. But it’s Pretty neat stuff tho😂

  9. So, a thought occurred to me about ghosts and hauntings. So if you have a house or building that has a lot of hauntings and activity and it burned down but then rebuilt, would you still have hauntings, or would the fire clense it and the ghosts move on ??

  10. I just can't with these "uncanny valley" theories from Mimics to Changlings and flesh pedestrians , and creeepy children..like
    I always though thinking "someone called you" especially if they were on the ground with you, albeit not "calling" you that's just a normal "thing" that happens to a lot of human beings.
    I lite3rally talked myself out of beliving that my parents house is "haunted" just bc I'm so scared of any thing 😂 😂 Curious-scaredy-cat things.

  11. i haven’t had many paranormal experiences, besides my summer camp being haunted, but i saw something really weird when i was eight or nine. my dad is native american and smudged the house we had just bought. he made sure to get every corner, have the windows open, etc right after we moved in. i was asleep one night and randomly woke up, so i rolled over and saw a shadow person (like literally a person made of shadows) standing over my bed. it didn’t move, i even rolled over for three minutes or so thinking “what the fuck was that?” only to roll back over and see it still standing there. no face, no definition, just..shadow. i don’t know how it even got in or why it wanted to see me but my mom saw the same exact thing when she was young. i should also add that my body wakes me up when it knows something is wrong.

  12. So when my sons were younger we lived in an old English terraced house. My youngest son ( 8 at the time ) didn't tell me at the time but he told his older brother ( then aged 11 )that he was seeing a girl ghost! They had swapped bedrooms but prior to that my older boy had told me he had heard whispering literally the day we had moved in. I had separated from their father so it was just my boys and myself. I was a little concerned at the time but we decided it was the water tank making noises in the cupboard in that front bedroom. Fast forward a few months and they'd swapped rooms. My older son moved into the box bedroom at the end of our very creepy landing corridor. So unbeknownst to me, my younger son would wake up and run to his brothers room, jump on his bed and say " There's a girl coming down the corridor " !! Can you imagine? Later I found out he said she looked like the girl in the film Ring! Other things would happen like the loft hatch opening itself and we would always get the feeling someone was watching us upstairs and especially in the bathroom when we were taking a shower. I never saw her but I would always have to peer around the shower curtain to see if someone was there! The radio would always turn on by itself etc. Like I said, I never saw her but I would suffer sleep paralysis nearly every night and feel like someone was standing over my bed. It was horrible. It wasn't until after we moved into our next home that he told me about her! I was mortified that he'd gone through that and only told his brother. Lots of paranormal things have happened to me and my family. There is definitely an afterlife for sure! Love your videos my lovely. Keep up the great work! 👻 xx

  13. The white color of spirit can be a good thing? Hey guys do you ever get nightmare that so vivid that you can remember? I do have one dream that I have is creepy because it’s is Japanese urban legends but I was one creepy urban legends that I was cursed in that dream

  14. In my very first apartment I was sleeping in my bed and it was about 2 am and I felt really cold so with my eyes closed I grabbed for my blanket because sometimes I would kick them off when I got hot. I continued to try to grab the blanket for maybe a min. I looked around and my blanket was gone. I looked up and my blanket was floating. Before I could scream my blanket dropped on my bed and my bedroom door and my front door shook. I was never the same after that!

  15. What is the substance of a mimic? Are they physical beings? How do they disappear within seconds or appear simply as a disembodied voice? Are they more of a consciousness of sorts…? Not entirely tangible. A “spirit”?

  16. Why wouldn’t the last girl describe the three “entities’ real faces?” She makes it sound like they were demonic & revealed their true forms but doesn’t elaborate whatsoever. Frustrating.

  17. I used to see the same figures as a child for years. The main “entity” I suppose was a skeleton wearing an Indigenous American headdress. My closet had two sliding wooden doors, & I would see his skeletal fingers wrap around the door & slide it open. He would stand there & just watch me, albeit he didn’t technically have eyes & I don’t know if it’s a he or a she as, again, it was just a skeleton in the headdress. I never felt threatened by him (I have always referred to it as a man as that’s the sense I received) & I wouldn’t even say I was scared per se. Instead, he felt like a protective force. I would also see a very small slouched old lady dressed all in black who would come in & out of the hallway & room, folding clothing & organizing things. Then I also saw a rare few times a woman who appeared as if made out of light, or as if she was a glass mosaic that reflected light like diamonds in angular rainbows. Finally, I only once saw this “entity,” but it scared me to the core. My sisters & I (& perhaps some friends) were playing in the basement, which was fitted for children playing, & I went up the stairs to get or do something quickly. At the top of the stairs I looked back & saw a demonic like figure standing by the wall just feet from my sisters. It was wearing a black cloak & its face looked like it was carved from aged wood… yet still skin… stretched across his sallow & sharp facial features. It was almost like a scarecrow even as it didn’t seem like there was a fleshed-out body beneath the cloak encasing his entirety neck down. It was like there were some sticks bound together to create a human body -esque figure & then drape it in clothing (the cloak). I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m trying my best to explain it. But it scared the daylights out of me & I ran up the stairs the rest of the way & refused to go back down. I don’t think I told anyone why though. It was just staring at me, so close to my sisters— so threatening. That’s the only time I saw it though. Oh & then I would see cats a lot, like a cat flitting by or jumping onto something, but when I’d take a closer look no cat was there. We had cats, always at least five, but they were never where I had just seen a cat. I think they are the spirits of our deceased cats, as my mother had cats before she was married to my father & they died when I was very young across several years. We’ve had a lot of animals so we’ve lost a lot of animals, most of whom live to be very old & very happy. One of our dogs died at 21 years old & we had a cat die at about the same age, if not slightly older. We lost one always very frail runt of the litter cat when she was ten, & it was devastating as she was secretly (or maybe not so secretly) all of ours absolute favourite. She was SO tiny, like five pounds. We saved her from a shelter on the brink of death as a kitten seemingly as she was so depressed. She refused to eat or drink there, but we nourished her through this calorie dense paste that she loved up to her dying days. My older sister brought home two kittens she found (we found kittens quite often, growing up in a farm town wherein people’s farm cats would have kittens that would end up wandering outside of the farm or were dumped elsewhere), & we think they got her sick. Anyway. I think I’ve seen her spirit, as well as other cats’ spirits. Not those of our dogs or all our other animals, however.

  18. Growing up, after my mom died, I had a shadow man. He scared me constantly. He wasn’t warm and inviting like other people claim to have experienced with their own shadow people. I would have my hair pulled, clothes pulled on, dishes be swiped off the counter top, fishing pole lifted up and thrown. Once I seen a black portal over my dining table and I was just done. My 51 disk CD changer started freaking out and power surging. When I turned 18 I moved out and moved away. I stayed the night once with a boyfriend I had, he woke up and looked in the mirror facing my bed and seen this thing hanging over me staring at me. Awesome. I stayed one last time by myself, everyone was gone, they always were growing up. Brother worked late after school and my stepdad worked nights. Well it was just me and this shadow man just stood at my door staring. Like he always did and put the most terrifying feeling through my bones. I could feel how this thing felt when it died, this scene flashes in my eyes of this man hiding in the woods, he had people coming after him, law enforcement, guns shooting at him. The moment he knew he was going to die. I made a plan to grab everything I could in an exit strategy. My clothes for the next day were in the dryer, I said screw them, I’ll come back for them, I had a visual on my shoes and my car keys were hanging up, I bolted. Shoved my feet in shoes, ran through all the power surging in my house and grabbed my keys. I could feel that something was trying to grab me and I swung the door open, shut it, didn’t even lock it and ran to my car. My dog was whimpering and had his tail between his legs. I cried telling him I couldn’t take him with me and sped off. I didn’t even feel safe until I was two towns away. My heart raced the whole time. I could just feel it in my back seat.

    That’s a short take on about 8 years of my life. My now fiancé thinks it was my mom trying to scare me out of the house. She knew what had been going behind closed doors on and wanted me away from my stepdad and the house. I haven’t been back in at least 6 years now. Refuse to even go into my home town.

  19. Hello I do just want to post this on here because as a young adult I was a teenager not little little by any means… I was 16 at the time… This is the experience I had with a Ouija board… Basically at the time I was seeing a guy I had finally gotten up the courage to tell the guy that I loved him.. I have been speaking on a Ouija board and the thing that was speaking with me would be able to place thoughts into people's heads. As for her story I absolutely do believe it. The guy that I'm referring to I would put I would like read what he was thinking about me… The being on that board actually ended up helping me put like messages into my boyfriend's head I'm not sure why I thought that would be a good idea that's clearly and clearly was not but I was young and I had been through a vast amount of trauma so I wanted to make sure his feelings were genuine… Going back to the part when I told him how I felt…. He told me that he definitely didn't want to be the reason I learned the emotion hate and that he didn't know what I was doing in his head… So due to him stating that I have always realized that it is powerful the Ouija board is and that it is something that should be used responsibly.. and I do use them to this day. I further was taught various forms of magic and even was a weirdo telling ppl I was dating a being via the Ouija board. So her stories real vibe with me. Where I currently reside the energy is so pure and the boards are so dark so I have not used one here an8 mostly likely will not. I hope this helps. They always called me a princess on the board so idk 😐


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