34 CRAZY NEW CARDS!! Broken new Hero Card! | Caverns of Time Review

The Caverns of Time direct-to-Wild expansion has been fully revealed, and it includes 34 new cards that could potentially shake up the Twist and Wild metas in the near future. In this video, I’ll share my detailed thoughts on all the new cards.

Card Review | Hearthstone | Caverns of Time Card Review


28 thoughts on “34 CRAZY NEW CARDS!! Broken new Hero Card! | Caverns of Time Review”

  1. Priest wants an 8 mana hero power that gives divine shield, lifesteal, and 8 attack….pack it in a hero or like a different reward of purified shard caliber win cons

  2. I'm glad you entertained climbing ladder for Wild especially to get a better idea of how the format will be affected (or how little) by the new cards.

    As "degenerate" as the format is to some, the synergies you can assemble make for cool deckbuilding, and I also like how little variance from "created by" happens in the format because of how diluted the pool is. You are right though, these cards will really only affect Twist and casual Wild aside from a few cards.

  3. I think timeline accelerator is 1 mana too much for current Mech Paladin builds, but for something like Mech Mage or Mech Rogue, I think this can be really good at getting to key mechs like Mecha-Shark, Lab Constructor, or Mimiron the Mastermind.

    Does this cheapen some of the Mechs for Warrior as well? It would be good to see Warriors on the ladder more often!

  4. The issue with wild right now is the bots. There are a lot of different aggro decks that bots can play. Hence the amount of short games

  5. I know wild is fast paced, combo driven and all but it's kinda hard to say the game is always super fast when you had a 90% winrate climbing. It seems like YOUR deck ends the game super fast, but people do still play control and other slow stuff

  6. Wild player here. I had never seen Jade Rogue before yesterday, where I got my ass kicked by a couple of deathrattle-based jade rogues deck. They really manage to get all of the broken modern deathrattle strategies to leverage the hell out of their Jade Swarmers. Good stuff.

  7. this is NOT a wild set. it is a twist set, to get people to spend money…. so people are able to play the twist format, if they don't have the old cards.

  8. Fun fact on the Chirurgeon, Chirurg is the original latin origin of Surgeon and that's still used in many languages. So it's kind of a mishmash of words that mean the same thing.

  9. Depending on your pocket your wild experience might be different to others, specially if you do not play it regularly. So that is something to consider. I myself get to diamond at least and always face a lot of pirate warrior for some reason. And since I play big priest games have quite a few turns. But in general I agree with Regis' assessments.


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