3 DAY "SHOCK & AWE" Challenge – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

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Fr. Mark Goring’s Books Available on Amazon:
You’re Not a Chicken (Children’s Book)
St. Joseph the Protector – A Nine-Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph (Available in English, French, Spanish & Vietnamese)
Hold My Beer: An Apocalypse
In His Zone – 7 Principles for Thriving in Solitude



47 thoughts on “3 DAY "SHOCK & AWE" Challenge – Fr. Mark Goring, CC”

  1. if we take your challenge, Fr. Mark; we'll miss you for 3 days, won't we? four of my morning prayers are also on this computer and I haven't written them anywhere and I like to "listen" to Fr. Jim Blount with his input into my prayers!!! Hope you won't be disappointed in me if I skip your 3 day shock & awe challenge?

  2. Thank you again Fr. Mark for reaching so many hearts with your heavenly messages…Jesus..Mary I love you…save the souls of priests…save souls..let me be able to repeat this Act of Love 1000 times with every breath I take & every beat of my heart…Amen

  3. 🌴🌺PSALM 62🌺🌴
    A Psalm of David, when he was in the desert of Edom, Douay-Rheims version:
    " O God, my God, to thee do I watch at break of day. For thee my soul has thirsted; for thee my flesh, O how many ways! "
    🌴 I'm praying that our Dear Father Mark, everyone at Saint Mary's, and everyone in this channel who is accepting this challenge, to accomplish this Mission! 🙂
    🌴 The Mission, as I understand it, is to go for three days and three nights without technology, and you may eat all the cookies and nap all you need, if it helps you to accomplish it!
    🌴 I accept this Mission! 🙂
    🌴🌺Viva Cristo Rey! 🌺🌴

  4. I know the tv is a screen and uses technology but my question is: I have the first 3 seasons of DVDs of The Chosen. Would it be ok to watch them one day and one season at a time?
    Father Mark, I’m serious.

  5. Fr. Mark I truly appreciate your challenge. However, I’m not sure I can go 72 hours with seeing/hearing one of your videos. But I’ll give it try! As always, thank you for your inspiration, insight and faith. You’ve been a great help.

  6. Holy cow did Father describe me….I'm ashamed. I really am…. Well, I guess I'm going to start Wednesday. I have my cousin's funeral but I believe Father is right. My thing is watching utube Homilies. I don't play games or anything like that. But I could say the Rosary alot more… Thank you Father Mark. God bless you….I WILL do it because I trust in you Father… I need rest for my soul…. thank you Father Mark.

  7. Fr Goring, this is a great idea. In the past, the Church has always taught fasting – Fridays, and of course Lent. Then the "world" thinks that is just masochistic torture, and the practice dwindled. Now you notice, more & more evidence touting "intermittent fasting" or "omad" (one meal a day) or 5 day fasts. Suddenly it is no longer masochistic, but the drop & depletion of blood sugar, burning up triglycerides in the liver, etc – it is healthy.
    And so, what if the same principles apply in the spiritual life? That silence, will allow us to purge a lot of garbage and "beehive buzzing" in the head? Substitute with daily Mass, Adoration, bible reading. Maybe time it with Friday fasts. Maybe longer in Lent. And yes you are right, someone with sick people to care for, cannot switch off the phone. But the principles are there, substitute. Thank you Fr Goring.

  8. To avoid death by floods more mag 6 earthquake tsunami volcano lightnings hailstones tornadoes wildfires meteor heat wave Pope Fancis non-Muslims to convert to Islam and Muslims to apply the Quran 100% in Europe in Asia in North and south America in the word July 10, 2023.

  9. I'm accepting this challenge Father! After paying a bill and taking care of any needed text/email correspondence it'll be Jesus, Mary, my cigar box guitars, and me until Wednesday.

  10. Lord Jesus Christ, bless Fr Mark in abundance!
    Thank you Fr Mark for this lovely homily, reminding us again and again how addicted we have become to the things of this world. Help us loving Father God, to put you first in our daily lives.
    Blessings Fr Mark⚘⚘⚘

  11. Excellent challenge Fr Mark!!! So much good for the soul= more time with The Good Lord Jesus Christ🕊🙏🏼♥️ praise Him Viva Cristo Rey🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊

  12. I lost my phone last January. At first it was a challenge and was definitely like going through withdrawal. After a few days, it felt incredibly freeing! I hesitated to get a new phone and kept putting it off. I finally gave in and got one shortly before I was going to be making a road trip to a women’s retreat, but I definitely try to use it more sparingly than before.


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