Top 5 WORST Wings Of Fire Queens (Part 2)

A part two to discussing the top five WORST Wings of Fire queens! Though many good monarchs have ruled in Pyrrhia, there are some who are just wicked to the core. In this video I’ll discuss five more of the worst rulers, as well as their biggest crimes and most toxic behaviors!

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The art in this video belongs to Joy Ang, and the series belongs to Tui T. Sutherland. I own nothing!
The character stills were drawn by BurstingRainb0ws.
Lagoon base: Skyla the Skywing

0:000:46 Intro & Spoiler Warning
0:471:37 Magnificent
1:382:34 Vigilance
2:353:22 Scorpion
3:234:22 Lagoon
4:235:35 Diamond
5:365:48 Outro

Thumbnail created using Pixlr (Free)
Video edited and recorded using Screeencastomatic deluxe (Paid)

Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe, and I’ll see you in the next video!


38 thoughts on “Top 5 WORST Wings Of Fire Queens (Part 2)”

  1. This was such a fun one! Out of both lists, which queen do you guys think was truly the worst? Let me know down below!

    Question of the day: What's the best kind of cookie?
    My answer: A sugar cookie with a LOT of buttercream frosting!

  2. Oh there are a number of things I want to say about diamond number one so she’s allowed to curse a dragon but not allowed to enchant another egg it be animus I mean that was such a simple solution and when that egg hatched it could’ve married into the Royal family and she could’ve said that it was for the benefit of the tribe

  3. Honestly, I dislike queen Vigilance and queen Diamond the most, they are fully responsible for 2000 year war/feud of their tribes and complete ruination of Darkstalker family + queen Vigilance manipulated Foeslayer on loyalty for the tribe, which further drives relationship of Foeslayer and Arctic at rocks.

  4. something i think is interesting is, the majority of the queens that ruled during darkstalker's time were extremely horrible. diamond, viglante, and lagooon were some of the awful queens to have reign, and it kind of shows how hard it must've been to even live a normal life in these tribes. like i couldn't imagine how difficult if must've been to live as an seawing, being belittled by your queen just bc of your class, or an icewing living under the caste system and diamond's rule.even scorpion must've been a lot worse, and like in the video, it seems like no sandwings remember her or never cared about her after she died. i'm not sure how old magnificent is, but she seems to have that mindset of those old times – albeit it's more tame.

    overall, it seems the current times are getting a lot better. the current queens seem to be actually ruling with just and benevolence, and actually see their citizens as people/dragons rather than tools or things below them. they're even trying to get along thanks to the dragonets of prophecy and the jade mountain students.

  5. Yay I’m here in under an hour 😀

    Idea: top 5 meanest tribes and/or top 5 kindest tribes. Don’t judge by the Queen, judge by the majority of the tribe’s behaviour. For example, even though Queen wasp is a terrible dragon, the majority of Silkwings are actually really friendly. You could say ‘poison wings are one of the meanest tribes’ or, ‘SapWings are really nice’ as to separating them as ‘tribes’. You could also separate the old Nightwings to the knew ones, or old and new Seawings.
    If u see this and actually do it I’d be honoured.

  6. All of them were pretty freaking awful. Any WOF Queen has tremendous power over her tribe. With a thoughtful and genuinely caring Dragon like Glory or Thorn, that means the tribe can really see some progress and prosperity. But of course, that much power attracts total psychopaths like Scarlet, Lagoon, Vigilence, etc. So a tribe can just as easily end up being ruled by a disaster who just cares about themselves. Though, of all of them, I think Diamond hit a new level of evil by enchanting her crown to carry her hate and anger on down through all of her successors. Good video!

  7. Oh man, I have to agree with you on every single one of these queens. Especially Lagoon and Diamond, they were truly awful. I'm so glad Snowfall figured out the crown was enchanted and had it destroyed, imagine how many IceWing queens who could have tried to change things or make peace with the NightWings, if they were in their right minds, that is, suffered and wallowed in fear and unwarranted anger and hate for their entire lives, because of one, petty, vengeful queen who couldn't just let it go. >_<

    And then there is Foeslayer, who lost EVERYTHING because of Diamond. Her daughter, her husband, she never got to see them again, never got to make up with Arctic (though to be fair with the blame, Arctic did make a ton of mistakes himself, though his death is to be laid firmly at Darkstalker's feet, but I refuse to go into a Darkstalker rant here when I was talking about Diamond. :'D). She lost her entire tribe as she knew it, her entire LIFE! She woke up and was only freed TWO THOUSAND YEARS LATER, only to see her son nearly destroying the entire world. She then had to lose her son forever, too. Granted, she got a new son to be able to love and raise and make a new life with (Peacemaker), but she had to change her name and everything. Diamond took nearly everything from her. How she handled finally learning the year, and what happened to her family… I wish I knew. She is so strong.

    So, at least, in the end, Diamond didn't win. Foeslayer survived and made a new life for herself and Peacemaker (yeah, I know she goes by Hope now, but to me she'll always be Foeslayer >w<), and Snowfall stopped Diamond's influence from ruining the lives of all current and future IceWing queens, and as a result, the entire IceWing Tribe. >w<

  8. Lovely work and narrating right here. Honestly Diamond suits that throne of hatred she is positioned in at the moment, she was downright an unstable, crazy queen! She is deserving of the number one spot for this video, even if it’s a part 2.

  9. Scropion has not been talked about enough! Even though shes such a minor character, she plays a big roll. She allowed other tribes to fight in her territory for treasure, she didnt care that her dragons could die in the war that they werent even apart of. And also her abuse to Jerboa, someone did mention her as if Queen Scarlet was a SandWing. Im so glad someone finally talked about her and how evil she was.

  10. Stardust826
    13 hours ago
    So here’s some Queen Diamond stuff.

    We all know she was a bad queen. Obviously. Here’s some ideas though. Btw I made this all up.

    Diamond was in love. Problem was, it was a Nightwing. She had met him at a meeting while she was a princess. They had fallen in love, and quite often saw each other in secret. She would make little gifts for him all the time with her animus magic, not knowing that it was slowly eating away at her soul. Eventually, she ended up with an egg. So. That was a problem. But she was prepared to raise it in secret. When her mate found out, he was so excited to raise it with her. But she said no. She was going to be queen soon! How could she raise a HYBRID? So she declined the father of that. She used her biggest animus spell yet, changing the egg and the dragonet inside appear Icewing. Her mate was heartbroken. As was she, but she could never let it show. She didn’t. Eventually, her mate ended up being killed by an Icewing guard, as he was trying to meet Diamond, but everyone assumed he was just a random Nightwing intruder. So Arctic was born. Arctic was a hybrid. She hadn’t changed him, only is appearance. Not his tribe. Of course he didn’t know that. Diamond was like a little sorta maybe evil. So she was uptight. And mean. Obviously. Anyway, that’s why she was SO FREAKING MAD when Foeslayer entered the chat. She kinda went ballistic. When the two left together, Diamond was beside herself. Even though she knew he had died, she was CONVINCED that it was her old love trying to steal Arctic from her, angry that she had changed him and taken him. And since all that animus magic had built up, she was at her breaking point. She started a war.

    Anyway, that’s why Darkstalker looked so Nightwing- there’s no way a full Nightwing Icewing hybrid could look so…not Icewing. Also that’s why Diamond hates Nightwings so much.

    I don’t know. It’s kinda crazy. I like to imagine that Diamond was a good dragon once, so there ya go. Like it or dislike it.

  11. Oasis would hire assassins to kill her sisters or her daughters that were getting close to challenging her so that she only had three heirs. Also, can you do another Wings of Fire Hogwarts video?

  12. Ideas:

    What if Clearsight wasn’t Darkstalker’s soulmate?

    What if Scarlet never found the dragonets?

    What ifff….hmmm…how abt what if Pearl had died during the massacre? Not much would change tho…wait a sec….bro WHAT IF INDIGO BECAME QUEEN AFTER THAT like cause Fathom would prbly advocate for her

    What if Blaze wasn’t an idiot?

    What ifff Kestrel had never been a part of the breeding program?

    Idk if you’ve done any of these lol srry

  13. Also here’s something totally unrelated cause why not (I made it up)


    Sandwing. Daughter of Blaze and unknown father, born during the war. Thinks of and loves Glacier as a sort of mother figure. Loves Blaze as a mother, but wishes she was less self centered. Blister knows of Haven and was going to kill her because she was an heir, but bargained and Haven fought strongly on Blister’s side and promised to kill Burn. Blister believed Haven was trying to kill Burn, but she wasn’t. Blister only found this out at the end of the war when the Dragonets gathered the sisters together, and tried to murder Haven, but was stopped. Haven and Crystal grew up together and have an interesting relationship- more than friends, less than sisters, no romance. Haven is a combo of the three sisters. Smart like Blister, strong fighter like Burn, and like Blaze, not evil. Her life in the palace now is nice. Thorn respects Haven, but isn’t as fond of her as she is Sunny and Qibli. She thinks of her like Blaze, but much less ditzy and self obsessed. Haven respects Thorn. She knows Sunny and Qibli, but not well. They don’t mind each other. Few dragons besides the royal families in the other tribes know about Haven, but most Sandwings do. She is still considered as a Sandwing princess, and lives with her mother in luxury. However, she is always a help in the castle to Thorn and anyone else in terms of welfare of the kingdom. She hasn’t really seen Glacier since the war, only when Blaze goes to meet her, but she misses her and Glacier thinks of Haven often. The two had a mentor/mother relationship. Haven is sent on many missions by Thorn, and is often doing business with other tribes. She and Blaze went soon after the war from tribe to tribe to resolve the aftermath of the war. This was Haven and Thorn’s idea. Then there’s her dark side. Haven is full of ambition. This isn’t always a bad thing, but she’s an animus. She used her magic all the time in the war, though rarely for good reason. She wasn’t taught about animus magic, so she didn’t know the full extent of her power. She mostly used it for Blaze- jewels, crowns, scepters and what not. She used it two or three times for Glacier, but nothing big. Here’s the big thing- she used it once without Blister knowing to kill Burn. Burn was well protected, and the plan failed. After Burn suspected Blister, aka Anemone, Haven refused to try again because she didn’t want innocent Anemone killed. However, once all her spells, plus that enormous one, added up, she realized she was losing her soul. After the war, she swore to never use her magic again, but she already had a dark side. Plus, she was sometimes an assassin in the war, so she kills with ease and no regret. Though not a threat to Thorn yet, she very well could be at some point.

  14. Queen Oasis was a terrible queen as well. She wanted so badly to limit the number of challengers she had her own sisters killed and hunted her daughter-in-law Palm (not knowing or caring the potential her grandkids could all be male) but her soldiers accidentally arrested her sister Prickle instead. Prickle went insane from being confined to a cell for 20 years. In the prologue to The Brightest Night she mentally evaluated her daughters to see which of them was most likely to challenge her and would delay them as long as she could.
    Edit: could you do a video on the top 5 best future/potential queens?

  15. Queen/Princess Blaze. Although not considered a villain, she was still pretty terrible. She let the IceWings do all the work in the war while she hid away, and she was stated to hate any dragon younger or prettier than she was, so much so that she would get rid of a baby. She only cared about pretty and shiny things

  16. Is it me, or are most of the queens in wings of fire really bad? Actually, reading the comments, it's the later. But I will comment a little more than that because I feel a little rude just saying "nice vid" and leaving. In honesty, even though what Diamond did was horrible, I don't think it was the worst thing possible. The reason I think that is because I've been writing a Wings of Fire inspired novel and the first queen you meet is, in my opinion, much worse. If you want to know why just let me know and I'll tell you. But basically, I myself have thought of worse.
    A n y w a y s – You did a good job! You're videos are always enjoyable and fun to listen to when I'm doing something like playing minecraft. Hope you have a great day!


    -What if Blue wasn't a flamesilk?
    -What if DarkStalker had a friend who prevented him from becoming "evil"?
    -What if Tsunami became queen?
    -What if the SkyWing egg from book 1 survived?

  17. I’d say a good queen would be:
    -she cares for her tribe
    -takes care of her tribe
    -treats her subjects with mercy and respect
    -Puts her tribes needs above hers

    I’d say Queen Ruby is one of the best. She does all of these things for the Skywings, and I’d say Glory too.


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