3 Chiefs Fans Found Dead[] Did Something Happen That Jordan Wasn't Expecting?

Hello True Crime Stories Family. Take a look at photos from inside of Jordan’s old house. The victim’s families believe that something happened that Jordan wasn’t expecting and he got scared and panicked. They don’t know what to do or where to turn for answers.

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40 thoughts on “3 Chiefs Fans Found Dead[] Did Something Happen That Jordan Wasn't Expecting?”

  1. Police have said no signs of foul play and that they are 100% not investigating this as a homicide. Everyone is barking up the wrong tree. People OD all the time. Its not a crime. Occam's razor is staring everyone in the face.

  2. Floor to ceiling windows 🪟?!
    And u never look out them beautiful 🪟?! How bout did u ever lock the door and take a bathroom break after all that alcohol consumption?! Yea. U ain’t tryna lose yo job. We know. What was the mad scientist working on since he worked from home cuz I believe that’s the key. Were all the phones ☎️ on mute cuz 3 phones ringing has different ring tones, and I’m quite sure 👍🏽 that’s annoying; esp if ur trying to listen to music or whatever. My dog 🐕 barks and imma hear that 🎧 cuz it’s a distraction. Btw, was he off from work for 2 days since he works from home?!
    So many questions. Purely speculative right now. May the truth finally reveal itself thru toxicological tests, and it best not be inconclusive. Freezing should preserve the specimens very well.
    Unbelievable how 3 ppl could die and the renter knows nothing.
    Them poor friends were partying with Dr. Cyclops 😮. May their family find comfort in the fact that we’d all like to kno what happened to 3 men passing away simultaneously. Common sense not so common nowadays. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. Is this house staged to rent out ? The police have really messed up i bet they didnt check much and i am sure they didnt check the wine glass he had in his hand when they showed up , they should of been checking for finger prints ect , what was in dishes ect , you can see where he had alot of gates in the house i guess because of the dogs ..

  4. I can't even tell you how many times I ended up sleeping in someone's back yard because I was too out of it to make it home. Close though! No one ever saw me because when you get up in the morning your first thought isn't hey! Let's go look for bodies of my friends in the back yard! So it makes sense no one saw them just yet. We will just have to see what the autopsy says and how exactly did they die. Method and manner is what is missing. It's such a shame that this happened to 3 young guys. My heart goes out to the loved ones.

  5. I've got the flu and just came downstairs a couple times in 36 to get water. I always cover my windows at night and at any rate couldn't care less about what's outside my windows. When you're not feeling well you aren't curious. You just want to crawl back in bed. Jordan was "sleeping it off." He wasn't in detective mode. If you look at the front windows which are covered with thin curtains, but when the sun's shining you can't see out of them. We don't know how visible the one body was from the window over the sink. He could have been sitting out of view. We don't know where the other two bodies were. Again, you aren't going to be surveying your yard for bodies. Maybe Jordan had something to do with the deaths, but that wouldn't be my first conclusion.

  6. It’s one thing to sleep off a 2 day hangover but people had texted Jordan, didn’t they? Wouldn’t he at least check his messages and see that the families were looking for them.

  7. Jordan didn’t use the bathroom or drink any water , just slept during 2 days ? No absolutely way 😡!!!
    Just respond to this Jordan : where were you 2 days ????
    And now moving out ? Police are covering this up ? Don’t know why , but it is obvious !!!

  8. im a mid 30s adult. if im home sleeping in bed off and on two days. u bet your ass my phones st my side the entire time. shoot . thats the best time 2 call me 😅 free time when im being lazy. it cuda been plausible he didnt ever look in backyard… even if he went down stairs butnits cold as fuck.
    if friends were staying outside overnight its been 20 ° 32° all night….what if they just all were super drunk were gunna chill n out in backyard till they sobered up. but they all passed out n froze overnight? no hard drugs required honesly. but why wudnt they stay on his couch tho inside atleast

  9. What about Jordon not feeding his dogs for two days? Was sliding door unlocked in back maybe they tried to go back in to get keys and wallets but why would wallets be out of their pockets? Did Jordon not hear dogs? Didn't they bark? Or was something given to them laced with fentanyl and they all died out back? Carbon monoxide?

  10. I'm guessing they all took some sort of drugs and Jordan was the only Survivor the other three died but he pulled through after sleeping 2 days from having some sort of reaction or he could have potentially just dodged death or he did it anyway you look at this it's strange

  11. I have been partying and have blacked out and couldn't function at all i certainly would not want to look at my phone either it was im feeling like death and im going to bed not work im goin to more then likely have water bottles in my room so yes that is all possible. This is a tricky sad case and the family's now have to go on without there loved ones. Truly heartbreaking

  12. The only thing that matters is that Jordan said he saw them to the door and said his goodbyes. Which means the guys jumped the fence to get into the backyard and didn't come back in the front door. That is all that matters.


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