$2cuts Honest Reaction To Dream Academy Mission 2 All Teams – What Did I Think This Time?

Mission 2 is upon us and so are the reactions. “Antifragile” is going to be remembered as one of the hardest tracks to cover for a long, long time. lol Let me know what you thought, too, and who you’re stanning for. Thanks for watching and please like and subscribe!

1:11 – Antifragile Team A
6:10 – Antifragile Team B
14:58 – Fearless Team A
19:13 – Fearless Team B

#DreamAcademy #TeamA #TeamB #Antifragile #Fearless #Dance #Vocal #Hybe #Geffen #Mission2 #Reacts #Reaction #リアクション #리액션 #TwoDollarCuts


39 thoughts on “$2cuts Honest Reaction To Dream Academy Mission 2 All Teams – What Did I Think This Time?”

  1. The Antifragile song is such a hard and weird type of song. Both team do have vocal problem not because by their self but because the song itself. Look Samara, Sophia and Lara, they're such a great vocal last time but this time they miss some note because of the song itself. Also this song has such intense dance move with a weird lyrics/note.

    Ps. I even watch the original song and I just found out that both team do great at this song because their performance especially the vocal itself is almost the same with the original. The only different is the original song is already autotune while this group perform it live/raw.

    But all in all my vote is for Team A. No question with the dance they killed it. While in vocal they just almost perform it at the same level. It just Yoonchae perform well than Samara specially at the high notes. And Sophia also perform more well or good than Karlee specifically on the clarity of singing or pronouncation.

  2. The overall performance of both anti fragile group was good. Although they are lacking somehow on vocal stability but it actually make sense because the choreography was kind of exhausting. I did tried dancing and singing it at the same time and I think the constant movement of the stomach is what making it hard to sing.

  3. Antifragile is a stamina test for both groups. That's what I'll judge them on, cuz i know they can do better than this in terms of technique and skill. There are songs that are good for live performances and some that are good for clubs, this song is the latter.

  4. LeSserafim sounds just like this when singing live while dancing tho, some of them even skip some parts. I guess, they're just still not used to dancing and singing.

    edit: LeSserafim did not sing Antifragile live throughout their promotions in music shows. Though, they performed it live on university festivals, Yunjin skips the part where she bends her back.

  5. I think both Team As did the best as a group. However, team Bs had some of the stand out members imo (Samara, Megan, Daniela, and Manon). The issue with Team Bs for me is they also had some of the weaker performers that had a heavy impact (Karlee, Ua, and Celeste).

  6. Also keep in mind that when we see kpop groups perform they always have a backtrack to blend with live vocals. Where these girls have no back track. So you are going to hear all the wobble sounds from movement and breath

  7. These are raw vocals. Their vocals are shaky because of dance movements. While, the real performers or KPop they have backing vocals to blend with their voices to avoid shakey voices.

  8. I personally think that Antifragile Team A did better. Of course, in assessing, we don't only consider who sounded good, but also which part of the song they sang because it's the only way we can truly know the reason why some struggle to hit the notes while other were able to still sound good while dancing. There are some who were lucky enough to sing the notes which were low or which don't require much effort to belt. While some played it safe, it was at the expense of other members who took the risk. It was really a struggle for Karlee and Sophia since both of them got the hard parts of the song. They have to exert a whole lot of effort even when the song has just began since they need to belt those notes while doing the run-to-kneel choreo, so it will surerly affect the rest of their remaining parts.

    Karlee was actually like out of breath the whole time, but I think she still delivered. But the hard breathing is undeniably noticeable, and sometimes she can't even finish the last words of the lyrics completely. But as I said, it's understandable given that she already lost a lot of oxygen and energy when the song has just began.

    For Sophia. We also have to consider that when idols sing live, there's still an audio editing process that happens to clean out vocal stability which unfortunately didn't work for Sophia when it comes to high notes. To cater other unstable vocals, the audio editing became too much on Sophia's part where she no longer sound like her original voice, and her vibrato can longer be heard. But despite that one tolerable mistake, she's proven to have stable vocals all throughout the rest of her parts. This was the difference I saw between her and Karlee. While Karlee was like losing her breath the entire performance, Sophia sounded good when the notes were low to mid. She still even sounded better than the other performers who only got small singing parts.

    So overall, I prefer Team A's performance over Team B's. The authenticity and rawness is still there. But Team B still did a good job, even better than the two "Fearless" performances.

  9. I think most of them struggling still i personally think Sophia, Danielle, ezrela, yoonchae did better vocally i really love lara and samara but they can do better than this maybe bcz this song isn't suit their vocal eventually they are one of the best singers

  10. Wow this man pointed out on why I felt awkward at some placesof the performances 😅😅, now I know why
    Also it might be becuz they practiced in short time and had to sing and dance, but this made some girls shine.

  11. Team A we're more stable tho IT'S LIVE btw it's LIVE (Singing while Dancing!)

    My bias was also Megan and Samara❤❤❤❤ gosshhh wtvr team they maybe THEY SHINE!!!!❤❤❤

  12. you have to watch live performances more maybe compare it to the original live performance. take note how much their dancing while they are singing. studio recorded version will of course have better vocals compared to live so considering that, team A of Antifragile were surprisingly very stable. also the English version is weird especially Sophia's lines compared to the Korean version.

  13. As much as I love Sophia, This song was kinda messed up for her (Only the First part, She did well with her other parts) and I agree with you with that . Maybe It's because of the Translation of Song. She's still very stable tho!

  14. It's the translation of the lyrics. The Korean version is much more easier to sing. I can't explain it but I know for sure that Sophia will be able to pull it off if it's in Korean Lyrics hmp jk. 🥱

  15. I agree that the vocals were a little bit of a struggle for team A, but I think another problem is the vocal mixing. From what i know they did multiple takes throughout the day and they may have taken vocals from another take and just pasted it into this dance take. I wish they did what traditional survival shows do and just do a one take live performance.

  16. Como você é detalhista kkkkk nem tinha reparado em 13:10 quando você fala do passo da Samara. Na hora eu pensei que ela poderia ter feito assim porque é brasileira. Aqui no Brasil a gente tem o passo de funk que eu conheço como "passinho" e é bem parecida a movimentação. A gente faz ele chutando ou deslizando o pé (mais amplo do que só pisar), acho que ela pode ter feito inconscientemente o passo de forma parecida

  17. Karlee me pareceu mais sem folego durante toda a musica e Sophia foi semelhante e as duas sofreram um pouco, acho que no geral pode ser no detalhe para dizer qual desempenho foi melhor

  18. I think that one thing to keep in mind when it comes to judging these performances vs. comeback stages, is that most comeback stages are pre-recorded so that the groups can focus on the performance. There are many videos demonstrating what the performances sound like live vs. the official release of those stages. It seems that the groups doing Fearless actually had some assistance with the recording (potentially because the song is very low in register and might not resonate the way they were wanting with the raw vocals). I would say that over all, Team A Antifragile were the most put together considering the dynamics that they were given and the lack of assistance they got with the background vocals.

  19. A lot of people said they were dissappointed by manon which I'm surprised by. Her vocals and stage presence pretty nice to me especially compared some of the other people who did the same song. Daniela definitely carried the team for me though, she really gives off leader vibes. I could even see her killing it solo honestly. For now my top 6 are Daniela, Samara, Emily, Nayoung, Megan, and Manon/Lara. I feel like i'd have to see a little more from Manon and Lara tbh.

  20. ⁠I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion(s) so maybe you guys throwing hates on this guy should stick to yours, and he will stick to his.
    Personally Samara and Megan outshined Yoonchae and Emily while Sophia and Lara outshined Karlee and Iliya do both teams did well in their own ways.


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