Unlawful Arrest Update | Federal Lawsuit Incoming! We The People Demand Acountability & Change!

Unlawful Arrest Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/dYhZ8RfZL8Q?si=dSjd5Y0Mty5co80O

Fellow Patriots, If you’d like to donate toward legal expenses as a result of this unlawful arrest and violation of my constitutional rights you can do so here👉https://gofund.me/4ce13af2

I truly appreciate each & every one of you! I couldn’t do this without you.

If you feel the need to PEACEFULLY petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Schenectady Police Department:

+1 (518)-630-0911


Schenectady City Hall:

+1 (518) 382-5199


Fellow Patriots & Freedom Lovers, let’s fundamentally change policing in our country & put the power into the hands of We the People! Join Attorney Shield today & protect your rights from tyranny!  👉https://attorney-shield.com/ 

Watch our official announcement video to learn more about Attorney Shield here 👉 https://youtu.be/p6tBMHB-Lcw?si=YheZEaSXD0VZk2Yr

Please be sure to hit the Like button and Share this video! It truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it! Make Sure To Subscribe For 1st Amendment Audit & Police Accountability Content.


32 thoughts on “Unlawful Arrest Update | Federal Lawsuit Incoming! We The People Demand Acountability & Change!”

  1. I don't know about New York but in California any government employee who deals with the public is required to accept public records requests from the public. The employee would then have to forward the request to the appropriate agency. Every California state government employee is required to receive training on the public records act and their responsibilities under the act.

  2. Listen this shit is catching up to you. People are getting tired of you peoples shit. And your sovereign citizen bullshit. Just in case you dumb retards do not know it your friend chillie beans decastro is in jail for 6 months peoples patience is running thin what looked alright 3 years ago is not alright now. You people have been labeled an hate group and they are coming for you. So crawl back in your holes and stay there.


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