2024 Annual Energy Update: HUMANITY’S Coming GREAT SHIFT

2024 is a key and pivotal year for future timelines that humanity will be able to access and align with. So today, I’m going to be breaking down the pivotal points of 2024 in order for us to navigate it consciously.

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37 thoughts on “2024 Annual Energy Update: HUMANITY’S Coming GREAT SHIFT”

  1. The elite's are going to use low frequency technology to lower our frequency and capability of raising our own frequency as they are doing just now . We have to leave technology to become the person we want to be in the vibration of the new earth.

  2. So…..as odd as it may sound. I remember snapshots of Lemuria. I have a snapshot memory of Atlantis being overwhelmed. Ive got a clear remembrance of the religious casts of Lemuria and Atlantis being in a spiritual war. I know, I was Lemurian. Your comment on Lemurian karma interest me. Is there a way of finding out more about this?

  3. Speaking of gender I saw a video that claims the Y chromosome is becoming obsolete with each generation. It's fascinating to hear Sarah talk about gender merging and hear science confirming the same thing with the X chromosome being more dominant which contains both testosterone and estrogen.

  4. No matter how rough this year is going to be turmoil wise, this is all necessary for the evolution of consciousness. Consider it similar to growing pains. As we make choices positive or negative will be how we progess as individual and as a group. Put aside fear based thinking, consider Love as the most beneficial state of mind. Thank you Sarah for all the work you do in sharing your knowledge with all of us. 💯❤️🙏

  5. Die kacke will definitely hit the dampfen in 2024. The toxic masculine ego-driven mindset of those in power – men and women – is collapsing under its own weight, and so will the structures it’s built. This is what I came for. Life cannot be corporatised.

  6. I really need help please Since I came back from reality to the western society, the things got nasty. "People" is avoiding me by default, as if I'm not part of their reality and I talk father mother and old friends. All brainwashed, hypnotized, very dangerous, they avoid to look me in the eyes, I used to be a professional basketball player, then successful yoga teacher, ,then lived in India for five years, and then my merciless ex-wife, forced everyone to come back so she can suck goods from her family pipe. When I came back I found everyone in denial, none able to face reality, everyone trying to get distracted with socials, Netflix or alcohol. The western society became a mediocracy (ruled by media and mediocrity is worshipped) everyone is a organic robot, none wants to face the Truth. Is an open air madhouse.

  7. Thank you ! Please accept my Blessings to your Being. Perfect timing, because these energies have been presenting themselves in my reality since the 12/12 Portal. And when you become aware of these energies Sarah mentions, please try to remain in your authenticity as a sovereign Being (or if you slip into the story that manifested in your personal reality like I did, then remind yourself to come back to your authenticity). Decree that you do not consent to this energies and thank them for their service to make you expand your awareness deeper. ALL is ONE and ALL serves the ONE. Om Shanti.

  8. We have suffered enough. People who feel guilty and who want to go through karmic cycles of chaos can. People who feel they have suffered enough and do not consent to further strife can choose to experience and experiment with more peaceful progression, unity, acceptance, love, procreation, creativity and whatever else. In my lifetime, in my country we have seen war, earthquake, tyranny. The debt has been paid. I am ready to accept and receive peace and expansion.

  9. Thank you Sarah! I love your context and confirmations, I find your messages so helpful in making more sense of my experiences. I am already feeling the new energies, started a few weeks ago…the most beautiful downloads of love that have me crying and running so much energy through my body, so beautiful. And then a few hours later there will be some sh*t storm in my life, some drama or trauma or some form of aggression or attack from somewhere. The contrast is brutal! The first few times it happened I was lost not understanding how i could be feeling so bliss-ed out in the morning and then facing so much drama a few hours later. But like your message confirmed its the contrast of polarities right. So now I worked out that following the cosmic downloads I can expect what I'm describing as "The Gremlins coming out". My guidance for navigating this is to accept as an antidote to judgement, just accept that whatever it is is happening, but only for a moment and that I am so much bigger than any 4D conditioned energies so it will pass. And give myself space to process and if possible avoid any known people or situations that could make it worse. So far so good…the paradox is it is the most intensity I have ever experienced (in both directions) but also the easiest it has ever felt to navigate it all without getting attached to either end of the spectrum. Sharing in case others are experiencing something similar. Wow! Things are about to get REAL people! So much love everyone, we GOT THIS!!!


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