2024 03 28 ALWAC: Randy "Church" Kee on Arctic Security

Gen. Walter Givhan (Ret) introduces Gen. Randy “Church” Kee (Ret), Director of the Ted Stevens Arctic Center, to speak on Arctic international Security Issues at ALWAC.org.

With the climatic shrinking of the polar ice cap — now only half as thick and half as wide as it was in 2000 — maritime trading routes are opening up, at least in summer season.
With Russia controlling about half of the polar coastline, but the rest now controlled by NATO partners (including Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, with the USA and Canada) — there is increasing strategic competition.
Non-polar nations ranging from China to the UK are also taking an interest in the region.

Kee has considerable experience, not just as a flyer and a commander, but also as an expert on the Arctic. In just two years, the Center has instigated an active research and education effort on the Arctic.
The Stevens Center, is based near Anchorage AK, but incongruously, in a vintage, elementary schoolhouse.
— Jeremy Lewis


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