19 Life Lessons For Teenagers

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life advice for results, success and a powerful life.


20 thoughts on “19 Life Lessons For Teenagers”

  1. i agree but for somebody that says video games are a waste of time, all of your video clips are of video game, movie, or anime characters + youre profile and persona is kratos from a game

  2. I know a guy in his 30s still doesn’t take life seriously. Still lives with his mom, wants a vasectomy just to bust nuts in every girl worry free 🤦🏽‍♂️ it’s pathetic. He wants to mutilate his body to satisfy his perversion. Said he doesn’t want kids but then I told him this “You may think that now because you haven’t found a woman that makes you feel otherwise” he just stayed quiet. He just messes with low class girls so I can see why he thinks the way he does, but imagine removing your balls and then falling in love with your soulmate but you’re unable to make a family. All just to bust a nut PATHETIC!

  3. I found that many points you mentioned to follow , in this video and even in past videos , are same things I followed in my past without knowing it . 😡 But now I become too angry , when I see that all those necessary things are going away .
    I was strong , i am 17 . Now I am going weak . The every thing you said , i was following even I don't know it's necessary. And now when I came to know , i realised something strange is happening to me . I am becoming weak day by day . I started unfollowing all things you say in the videos . When I come to see your videos , I become too much angry that everything you mention was in me in past , but in present i am loosing it gradually .

  4. This man got me started on self improvement. He taught me how to be brave, how to have an iron mind. I will never forget the first video of his I watched. I learned that I was a literal loser in life. I was that low in life. This man gave me a better life, taught me what a real man should have known. I am so grateful


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