18 Months of Saving…


32 thoughts on “18 Months of Saving…”

  1. i think talking about the units that you summon for accounts that obviously arent super end game is a perfect idea and as a mid game (just got tricaru done) player i like hearing about what units you recommend and where, i never thought about using the fire totemist in pc10.

  2. You "look a horse in the mouth" to tell its age and something done when in the market to purchase the horse and make sure the seller is on the up and up. If someone is GIVING you the horse, looking it in the mouth is considered an insult to the giver and basically says to them that you don't trust them to tell you the truth.

  3. Hey Bagel! I don’t know how often you read these but I just wanted to thank you for the content you provide. I have been watching you for years, I am constantly growing and you and your videos with goofy jokes that sometimes make me laugh are always there too. You are such a fun person to watch, truly a great personality. Thank you for being there and I wish you nothing but the best in life!

  4. The meaning behind the saying "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is this; when you're buying a horse you always check out their mouth. The state of their teeth tell you a lot about the health of the animal. Also you can tell how roughly the animal has been treated, etc. It's actually one of the most crucial inspections you should do when considering an equine (horse, donkey, etc).

    The reason you wouldn't "look a gift horse in the mouth" is because the animal is free, it's a gift. So you're not looking at the state the animal is in because you're getting a free horse.

    This phrase came about during the times when a horse was everything and denoted your wealth, and your ability to move up the economic ladder.

    We kept the phrase for its symbolic meaning of just accepting good fortune that comes your way, even if it's not what you would have preferred or chosen for yourself.

    So there's a little history lesson for you.

  5. man i just came back to the game after 2 year break and im tempted to buy the 2x reward for ToA pack. bu this video reminds me why i shouldnt spend money on scrolls lol

  6. Why would any company sponsor you when you dedicated your biggest channel to this dead game and totally ignoring the other ones and there growth I really think you should move on from this game already cuz it’s hopeless he wasted 1 year saving and got nothing but you still doing content for them for free

  7. Bagel!! Thank you for your commitment, as always, I love all the different topics you touch on.
    Also, your sarcasm always gets a laugh outta me (eg. the Verad buff topic) lol.

  8. Watching these videos makes me happy I'm no longer playing this. While still enjoying your content the whole concept of these summons and how low the rates are gives people a good look at what to expect after years of saving… nothing is many cases. Not worth the time invested in my opinion. Be safe.


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