$17.33 Per Gallon Equvialent? Have You The Brainworms?!

A viewer pointed us to a paper from the Texas Public Policy foundation in which they claim that the real cost per mile for EVs is much, much higher than any number we’ve seen from any other calculations.

It seemed…odd, and so, at his request we took a look.


00:00 – Open
01:30 – Introduction
03:05 – The big misrepresentation in the paper
04:14 – How do fossil fuel subsidies breakdown
06:24 – Where did their funding come from
07:30 – Trigger Warning…
08:03 – …and a disclaimer
08:24 – The non-delegation doctrine
10:50 – Complaints about CAFE standards
12:21 – Generalized heresy
13:43 – Fuel economy in the US, a brief history
16:19 – Conclusions
17:12 – Thanks and Credits


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Script: Kate Walton-Elliott, Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Presenter: Kate Walton-Elliott
Editor, Colorist: Kate Walton-Elliott
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
Producer: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

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25 thoughts on “$17.33 Per Gallon Equvialent? Have You The Brainworms?!”

  1. Even if you are burning the same oil in a power plant to charge an EV, the losses in distribution of electricity are less than the losses in distribution of the oil to gas stations, and most importantly, the efficiency of a combined cycle oil power plant is like 60% compared to the efficiency of an ICE, which is like 25%.

  2. I am on board with the idea that a paper put out by the fossil fuel lobby is complete garbage, but it would be nice to have a video that left out all of the (richly deserved) sarcasm and invective, and just went through and corrected the math to include everything that was ignored etc. so that one could share the video with an anti-EV person and they might watch it. They probably won't believe it, but they won't be guaranteed to have an emotional reaction to an emotionally charged argument.

  3. Typical false assumptions that EV haters make that I see over and again, both in videos and comments:

    1) Battery technology is frozen forever at where it was back in 2010. All improvements that have happened since then did not actually happen and any and all future research in battery technology will go nowhere.

    2) All charging is public charging; home charging either does not exist, or is impossible to use for more than a tiny handful of people.

    3) All public charging requires the driver to stand there and wait for the car to charge, like a conventional car driver holding a gas pump; using the bathroom, or walking anywhere else, or even doing games on a phone or laptop is not an option.

    4) All charging requires the driver to wait all the way until the car is at 100%; unplugging sooner is never an option (this makes the charging experience as painful as possible).

    5) EV batteries have similar lifespans to phone batteries, and will all have to be thrown away after a few years.

    Every one of these assumptions is false, but if you start by assuming them and then apply some fuzzy math, drawing bogus conclusions from it is far from impossible.

  4. Tesla are digging tunnels under Giga Texas to increase production speed, Ford is reducing their production of the F-150 Lightning by half starting January 2024. Guess where the Next-Gen-Model2 will be produced first? Imagine…their using tunnels…Tesla’s compact car will be next level manufacturing!

  5. Thank you Kate.
    There is an extra expense being applied to EVs now in Victoria, Australia – a special road tax to pay for roads, because that is supposedly paid for in an ICE car via petrol sales tax. And EVs are supposedly "using" the road more because of their higher weight; without paying for it. There is so much wrong with this attitude when the same political party is also supposedly trying to address climate change – but I am sure I do not need to explain that; as all the items you added to the ICE graphic are what they really should be addressing.
    It seems to me that these politicians are, like Gerald Ford was supposedly unable to do – walk and chew gum. Holding two ideas in their pin-heads is far beyond them. Holding them at the same time is therefore even worse.
    By the way, the local motorists' association (RACV) has been fighting for decades to get even a reasonable amount of those various fuel taxes applied to the roads.
    Unsurprisingly, there is an unwholesome relationship between all fossil fuel and mining groups and politicians of both our major political parties.

  6. Well said – so much nonsense comes out of these libertarian "think" (read "junk") tanks. According to them any deviation from their libertarian fantasy world is a massive cost to the wealthy, and costs to the wealthy compared to that baseline is how we should judge everything.

  7. "On a Christmas tree of HOGWASH', I love y'all!!! I am a Texan and have done my level best to change the local politics, no chance around here. Although, my EVs are powered 3/4 by solar every weekend, and even my local grid has so much wind and solar mixed we are getting better in the area.

  8. It's almost impossible to find a "report" like this that isn't funded by people linked to oil or legacy combustion technology. An industry that is subsidised to the tune of $11m per minute claiming the falsely inflated gas/petrol prices are necessary to pay for the infrastructure that is already paid for out of tax funds is unfortunately par for the course. In the real world money talks but bullshit never walks. It runs at you full steam.


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