15 Moments When Male Lions Attack Their Prey Mercilessly @thehawkusa

264.15 Moments When Male Lions Attack Their Prey Mercilessly @thehawkusa
In Hwange National Park, a baby elephant is wandering in a waterhole.
It accidentally attracts an approaching male lion.
Confrontation between elephants and two hungry lions.
The victim is locked by the predator. wild animals
The child repeatedly protested but failed.
The poor elephant was killed by two hunters.

Lions and hyenas

The confrontation between the hyena tribe and the lions. wild animals
The hyenas rushed to attack the pregnant queen, she did not fight back, but climbed a tree to hide.
The disappointed king could not fight the hyenas.
They are threatening a wise leader.
Finally the king of the jungle and the queen left the territory to raise their cubs. wild animals

Male lions invade the territory of the hyenas.
It is surrounded by a swarm of opponents to defend their territory.
Lions are not afraid even though they are outnumbered
Angry lions continuously attack them.
Then a hyena was injured.
The predator targets the wounded victim with repeated attacks.
The lion eventually killed a hyena. wild animals
One of the herds is killed, they are defending their territory in vain.

The young male lion begins to explore the boundaries of his territory.
It was venturing alone among the hyenas.
He was trapped by more than 20 people.
They surrounded the male lion and tried to take it down.
With such numbers they could kill him.
Will the male lion escape the attack of the hyenas?

Huge male lion attacking hyena. wild animals
His rage poured down on his poor prey.

Lion and buffalo

Buffaloes chases two lions.
That angered the lions and drove them away.
But soon the buffaloes returned.
With incredible strength, the male lion repeatedly attacked the buffalo herd.

A herd of buffalo fights against the kings of the jungle. wild animals
They continuously approached but were warned by 4 male lions.

After the migration, the buffaloes are grazing.
Unfortunately, the mother and the buffalo were separated from the herd by the lions.
The mother buffalo constantly chases away hunters to protect her cubs.
Fortunately, the buffaloes rushed to save the mother and daughter from the successful hunter.

Male lions roam around their territory in search of food.
It came across a newborn buffalo.
The hunter quickly locked the child by the neck and carried him away with ease. wild animals
Will the poor young buffalo escape the hungry lion?

00:00 wild animals
00:33 lion vs elephant
01:03 lion vs hyena
04:25 lion vs buffalo
06:34 lion vs wildebeest
08:50 lion vs lion

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Watch our “30 Deadly Jumps Of Big Cats”
video here: https://youtu.be/fZjgdF_OzzI
Watch our “30 Terrifying Moments When A Hippo Becomes Prey…..”
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Watch our “30 Poor Wild Animals Injured By Hyenas”
video here: https://youtu.be/2mtODfjuk54
This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
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39 thoughts on “15 Moments When Male Lions Attack Their Prey Mercilessly @thehawkusa”

  1. Very interesting documentary and it’s amazing how species coexist with each other based on how the environment and behavior is different from prides that don’t normally live under the same conditions

  2. lol elle n'a vraiment pas de chance cette lionne mdr Mais le plus drole c'est toutes ces camarades qui regardent la scène sans intervenir. Vive la solidarité entre zebres :))


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