10 Things – Back to the Future: The Lost Version

This video is not so much a Re-upload but more of a remake as its the re-working of an episode I made last year but only left up for a week and took down as I wasn’t satisfied with it, so I’ve made changes to make it better and I’ve added lots of new bits so its all cool, enjoy 😀


24 thoughts on “10 Things – Back to the Future: The Lost Version”

  1. To Minty: I had the book to BACK TO THE FUTURE. The book went into great detail as to why George McFly acted the way he did. In the book, George McFly's father was very mean and brutal with his comments to George. His father's behavior caused George to be introverted, reclusive, awkward, then bullied at school. The movie of BACK TO THE FUTURE never showed George McFly's parents.

  2. BACK TO THE FUTURE with Michael J. Fox is the same way as ROCKY with Sylvester Stallone. The protagonist had to be smaller in size against the antagonists of Biff, Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, Drago. Otherwise, you do not sympathize for the underdog. Eric Stoltz doesn't fit the role of a sympathetic underdog. Eric Stoltz definitely was great though in SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL, PULP FICTION, BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

  3. The chemistry between Lloyd and Fox is so amazing. Not only do you not stop and wonder why a high schooler is friends with an old man, you see how quickly they fall into the same pattern with '55 Doc.

  4. RARE TRIVIA: (From the mouth of the actor who played BIFF in an obscure Podcast)… Eric Stoltz who originally played Marty was the biggest jerk. He shoved Biff way too hard in the cafeteria. (he really wanted to knock him over, and Biff was sore for days.) Biff said, calm down Eric it is acting!!! So, funny Biff remembered later in the script he gets to sucker punch Eric at the dance; and intended to get even, and hit him as hard as he could in the stomach. Oh, and Eric only wanted to be called Marty on set, and ONLY answered to Marty. But he never got the chance!!!! Since Michael J Fox took over. Also, the day they announced they fired Eric Stoltz. Christopher Lloyd said who is Eric??? He really thought his name was coincidentally Marty!!! Glad he was fired. What an immature brat. I wish Biff got to nail him near the end of the film. That jerk ignored anyone who called him Eric. Hopefully, he grew up. Also, he thought it was a depressing film and was not into it. * (wow, surprisingly they knew a lot fhis, with Eric's immaturity method acting).

  5. Stoltz is a great actor. He would have been perfect if the movie was serious and it makes curious on how it would have turend out if it wasnt a comedy. Still (liek everyone else) i love the movie the way it is.

  6. I think thats why this movie turned out so epic because filming so much of the movie with Stoltz was a sorta rough draft. Re filming scenes a second time they knew exactly what they wanted. LIke anything in life repeating things naturally gets better, tighter more thought out essentially.

  7. If they hadnt brought in Michael to replace Stoltz, BTTF would still have been a good movie, it just wouldnt have been GREAT. It was a wise decision to drop Stoltz, he just looks a bit too old and lacks Michael's energy. You can tell Stoltz was trying to make it edgy.

  8. I honestly wish I could go back in time to an alternative timeline in which this movie was made. Or better yet, what if you made that a modern day back to the future, with that original plot that got scrapped. Everything from that movie would make sense today, piracy to support your projects, like who hasn't pirated or tried to sell something according to the internet. The only difference is it wouldn't be be of cassettes, it would be MP3 force and discs. And the plot of going back in time to profit or go to the future, actually seems quite plausible today. But probably in the form of stealing future patents, or stealing songs and rewriting them yourself, or maybe the same for stealing future movies, and bringing them back before they're ever made. So many possibilities that could be implemented. But most of all, I would love to see a reboot, in which they brought back this other guy, digitally and had that movie made the way it was meant to be.

  9. A pirated Sausage Party movie, which some user posted here on YouTube led to me purchasing the digital copy off Google TV and Movies app. Who knows how many others saw it first on here and then bought a copy after the free advertising that was technically breaking copyright laws.


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