10 Most HATED Perfumes According To Survey

Are you accidentally putting people off by wearing one of the most hated perfumes? I’m sharing the results of the 10 Most hated perfumes according to the survey I did with your votes on Instagram. Here are the results…

Many people are wearing terrible scents, and this is one of the personal grooming mistakes that people don’t even know they’re making when they are getting ready to go out. Luckily, I have a check-list you can cross check with everything before you leave your home, to make sure you’re your most representable self. Get it for FREE at https://classychecklist.com

Anna Bey is an elegance expert and educator, teaching women how to transform their lives to enjoy a more refined personal presence and lifestyle. She’s been featured in The Times UK, Newsweek, New York Post, Cosmopolitan and many more.

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38 thoughts on “10 Most HATED Perfumes According To Survey”

  1. I worked in the fragrance industry and most of these are actually best sellers! Maybe people voted for their favourites by accident because this doesn't seem correct based on my knowledge of what the ladies are buying…

  2. Most hated perfume of all times: ANY that is tested by a airplane passenger in a duty free, 15 min before flight.

    Testers in airport duty-free shops should be banned forever and using any kind of perfume more than an hour before the flight should be considered a crime.

  3. Chanel nº5 and Baccarat Rouge 540 are the worst perfumes in existence. I have tried them and I gagged… It's such an old lady perfume and way to strong. They are not timeless, they are old and outdated. Perfumes have their eras, and some don't stand the test of time.
    Best perfume, in my opinion is Flower by Kenzo, really fresh, young and smells divine.
    The Britney Spears perfumes are a hit and miss, and I love Britney. Fantasy is her second fragrance, she was younger and her perfumes back then reflect that. Her most recent fragrances are wonderful!

  4. В магазинах я слушала почти все из этих ароматов и искренне удивлялась почему они столько стоит и кто их покупает, а ведь очень много любителей подобных мигренозных парфюмов, настолько, что мне начинало казаться, будто я не разбираюсь, не имею вкуса, но ваш ролик меня привёл в чувства 😂 спасибо

  5. I know for a fact I dislike Chanel #5 and the opium one but I’ve never smelled the others. From the descriptions of these it would seem people don’t like the mix of jasmine and woodsy smells. That seemed to be a common mix

  6. Wow, it gives you physical pain. Have you ever worked in an office were a guy wears too much cologne?
    Good job on the video. Your not from America are you? Aldehydes that's not good for you.

  7. Don't be a perfume snob. I am Jane and not plain. I love perfume and some of the fragrances are classic. and perfumes are subjective. The problem is not the perfumes selected but what you say about them and the users. Be a little more kind with your remarks! Blessings!

  8. These are bestseller perfumes but they don’t meet my taste. It would be nice if you made a video about good elegant perfumes easy to find in any perfume stores.Those that I appreciate are: The only one by Dolce & Gabanna, Idôle by Lancôme, Fidji by Guy Laroche, and Gucci Bloom and I’d love to hear about other suggestions 🥰

  9. Bacarat smells so so bad and super loudsy that you cannot smell it on you after awhile. Someone even said that I smelled like I just got out of a public toilet. Never again. And I do love the drydown of Angel just like you btw.

  10. Wow! Baccarat Rouge 540 perfume is my most sought perfume wish! Unfortunately I cannot afford it but I know immediately when someone else around me is wearing it, I love it that much!

    As a perfumer myself, I don't like reviews on perfumes as perfumes are subjective to each individual.

  11. The baccarat rouge should be the #1 most awful fragrance. It smells so horrible. I just can’t imagine somebody would enjoy that smell, to me it smells like some type of industrial chemical. It also is my migraine trigger, I get really nauseous and sick the moment I smell it 😣


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