$1.50 Busted Build Bullet Heaven! – Wanted Shadows

Get Wanted Shadows on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2491670/Wanted_Shadows/

Decimate thousands of demons on All Hallows’ Eve to protect your infernal home. Wanted Shadows is a bullet heaven roguelite where the difference between overpowering and being overpowered lies in your skill and wit.

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15 thoughts on “$1.50 Busted Build Bullet Heaven! – Wanted Shadows”

  1. Thank you so much for trying out my game 🙂 ! I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm currently working on a patch to fix some of the issues you mentioned (alongside trying to replicate that nasty crash), so that should be taken care of soon!

  2. play "WWWW" or What would Wanderbots Want?
    hit pause on every upgrade screen, pick one, then see what Bot chooses.
    edit: i typed that just before 49:46 "i think i will get the perk…" right before he does.

  3. I love these style of games.

    Been seeing fps versions too, and some 3rd person versions.

    Rpgs as well

    Tho id like to see some more open world rpg fps type games with this style of progression.

    Skyrim but level progression syled like these types of games lol

    And of course randomly generated worlds like minecraft, just not blocks

  4. The steam page lists unlockable powers as one of the features. I saw the powers button on the menu, but did Wander ever click on it during the video? Wondering what those are all about.

  5. FYI: Burn ticks deal one more damage means that instead of burning for 4 damage per tick of burn, they suffer 5 damage for every time the burn timer ticks down on the enemy.
    Versus the burn ticks one more time meaning that it deals the burn damage one additional time. So if they take burn damage once every second for five seconds, they'll instead burn for the same amount of damage per tick but for six seconds (ticks) instead.
    Summary: "ticks deal more damage" deals more damage faster – "additional burn ticks" deals burn damage longer.

  6. Expanding on the each run is an Adventure I have thought about it abit and worry it would bloat the runs and potentially get repetitive (Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors) unless you have quite a few different tile sets and logic to either pick ones that make sense to come after each other or preferably give the player some agency on where you go next (Rogue: Genesia).

    There is also the option to say unlock an Adventure Mode once you clear all the maps at-least once and the new mode has some mechanic where you change maps and maybe increase difficulty after "x" time or "x" kills (kinda like Gallowspire Survivors) and sure its 1.5x to 2x the length of a normal run but you specifically chose it.

  7. Well that's a shame, was going to give this one a go, but the not writing save data to disk on an unblocking background thread so you don't loose progress doesn't exactly scream build quality.
    Solid gameplay and cheep price when I'd expect theses games to generally be in the $3-5 bracket. But don't feel like wasting my time to loose all my progress when there's better offerings in the category


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