Nobody Dared To Go In A Black Hole, EXCEPT Humans!

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Wrote myself, feedback is appreciated!

HFY, HFY Story, HFY Short Story, HFY War
Science Fiction, Sci-Fi Story, Sci-Fi Short Story, Sci-fi HFY
Humans are Space Orcs
Reddit HFY Stories, Reddit Stories, Reddit Humans are Space Orcs, Reddit Sci-Fi Stories
HFY Stories, Short story for sleep, fantasy sleep story


13 thoughts on “Nobody Dared To Go In A Black Hole, EXCEPT Humans!”

  1. I don't know why but i really like these. though Humans in reality would not be the superpower these stories make them out to be. we are after all the weakest creature per size on this planet. that would be to say that all life out there would be weaker or more pasive.

  2. This was bad, very disappointing. I hope an AI wrote this and not an actual person. So many things just changed in the middle of the story. Are there only few hundred Talori, or enough to start a rebellion? How did the second Oddessy come about, how did it survive a mini supernova? Where did human volunteers come from? Was earth not a strong galactic force? Why did the black hole matter? I thiught humanity got bored of being the best so decided to say fuck it lets hop in here. And I dont care about Orin, i cared about humans and they died so early on. And on and on this story failed, 3/10

  3. There was little indepth detail to make you care about the characters. There were to many broad generations. There was no time spaced in between major battles and then wars too, it was back to back to back to… I stopped listening. There was no time for refitting everything magically was upgraded… I am tired of these AI SciFi stories. The human written shorts are much better.

  4. Love the story. I have one question for space battle writers. Your ships travel at light speed. Plasma weapons. Car sized rail gun rounds. But no circuit breakers or surge protectors. Why do consoles explode on the bridge of kilometer starship?


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