Zombie Virus Revived By Scientists After 50,000 Years | Moistcr1tikal reacts

Moist Charlie Critikal aka penguinz0 aka penguin0 aka moistcr1tikal talks about the fact that Scientists have revived a ‘zombie’ virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in Siberian permafrost

Not Affiliated with the Big Man

#moistcr1tical #moistcr1tikal #penguinz0 #moistcritikal #moistcritical #cr1tikal #virus


22 thoughts on “Zombie Virus Revived By Scientists After 50,000 Years | Moistcr1tikal reacts”

  1. Got scratched by a bat once. Went to the doc cause i knew of rabies and he said it’s almost 100% mortality rate, eventually (after I tested negative). They have treatments but they just prolong the side effects. Watch videos of rabies patients. Hydrophobia is wild

  2. There's a lot of people in the world the only care about learning and discovery if there's some benefit involved. Alot of scientists want to know things without any potential benefit like this virus. They just want to know everything about it for the sake of learning and oddly enough thats usually how we find things that have huge social benefits like the discovery of penisilan and antibiotics.

  3. When I first saw and I believe I can vouch for a majority of the audience that have read the article; our Scientists are maliciously braindead. Why? It's a 42-thousand year old pathogen that can kill us, probably worse than covid.

  4. Dog bites from a rabid dog burn!!! The shots they give you to help get ride of rabies tho….they hurt more in my opinion. I contracted them from a black lab in 2015 in Springdale Arkansas. I had to get 3 shots and was bed sick for about a week. As my Dr put it, most fall fatal to them due to not knowing the signs in humans.

  5. I mean Charlie its kind of hard to study something that's…dead. People underestimate the absurd amounts of precautions that go into labs that study viruses and bacterias. Just make sure we as a society keep that pressure up on labs to maintain those controls and precautions and we're gonna be fine.

  6. Man, all these optimistic comments about scientific research and study for possible cures.
    U.S Govt/ Military: Call of Duty zombie doing the Tom Cruise laugh meme


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