Zhang Jun: NATO is the real troublemaker

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Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, has expressed the country’s firm opposition to the communiqué issued at the NATO Vilnius summit. He made the remarks at an open meeting of the UN Security Council on Thursday. Zhang said the statement is full of articles repeating old tunes, full of Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice. The statement ignores basic facts and makes unwarranted attacks and accusations against China, he said.

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46 thoughts on “Zhang Jun: NATO is the real troublemaker”

  1. Talking to the U$UK led west is like talking to a tree. Why bother?
    If U$UK choose to cross China' red line, then China must learn from RF, simply respond in kind, don't even bother talking nor sign any agreements nor treaties like Minsk or JCPOA for example, U$UK could just tear up any agreements because the simply DON'T CARE!

    U$UK led west only speaks the language of force, diplomacy and negotiation are seen as weakness.

  2. If China is encircled by USA's ships and what not, well China should do same as well, go over near USA borders an encircle USA, as same as USA has done against China; where's the problem in doing just that?

  3. 中俄深化合作是世界和平的定海神针,制止美国主导的西方霸权,捍卫多边主义! 北约的扩充只会带来动荡,生乱,战火因俄罗斯正当安全关切受损。中国坚决反对北约把战火扩到亚洲!

  4. China attitude correct. Russia attitude correct. We are next step negotiations peace talks in Africa. God protect China,Russia, neutral countries

  5. Wow as much as I agree that you don't trust NATO or any western government, you also don't trust these guys! Are all these people on here bots of the state or are you all brainwashed?

  6. nato border line over reach crossing into africa mideast central asian all the way south china sea 14000km by sea 9000km by air when it call north atlantic stick nose into south pacific how long can their budget before it ran out when their economy on down turn they decide dump money with return lousy investment

  7. US needs a ww3 to stay in power.
    US and NATO had killed millions of civilians during the wars in Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iraq, Kosovo Montenegro Serbia, and Libya. They killed the most civilians after WW2.
    They wish to stay in power by expanding their coverage to the doorstep of Russia, and now they are trying to expand their power to Asia through Philippines. Hopefully, a WW3 will happen as that would allow the US to benefit tremendously like it had benefited from WW1 & WW2.

  8. yes I, but the organisation itself acting in the interests of a few bully countries which seem to be throwing their weight around under guise of shared responsibility.


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