Your Purple Martins NEED predator protection!

In this video, myths are dispelled, solid advice and proven techniques to prevent ground predator problems are discussed. There is no valid reason not to protect your nesting Martins from ground predators. Just do it.



1 thought on “Your Purple Martins NEED predator protection!”

  1. 27:40 Have to disagree. The snake is not using the ground. It's winding around the pole and using the grip as a base to reach. If it was using the ground, it would not have needed to wind around. Placing the guard higher would have no effect because the snake would just wind, reach, wind, reach, until it grabs right below the guard no matter the height and reach right over the 2-foot guard. Later you mention seams (the snake is really looking to the left for something to grab because the seam isn't helping) and the low ridge. Not really important. It's the access to the pole that's important. Give then a 5-foot cylinder, 8-in. in diameter and you win every time.


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