12 year Old Sister Stabs 9 Year Old Brother To Death Pt 2 #trending #police #cops #subscribe

The child is being held in a Tulsa juvenile detention facility


49 thoughts on “12 year Old Sister Stabs 9 Year Old Brother To Death Pt 2 #trending #police #cops #subscribe”

  1. Sometines the word sorry does not exist and the words HURT DESTROY EVIL PAIN DEATH DOES …..you are soley responsible for your actions in this world we are given free reign in that …..think hard before you do it or think it …..😮

  2. Now that i have some information, this poor girl. I hope she gets treated properly and grows up on the right medication. Its her fault, but, not all the way. She doesnt need to forgive herselc, i just hope she gets past it

  3. Bs, demonic my arse. All manipulative killers say shit like that. Don’t you see she is more worried about her going to jail rather than she just killed her little sibling. She knew exactly what she did and wanted to play it as insanity.

  4. The Bible states, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. It is the spirits behind it, the spirit of Murder is an actual thing! It is demonic, we are not to judge but be aware and stay close to Jesus

  5. One thing I know for a FACT, pysch meds (missing doses, med changes etc) can really induce some UNREAL FEELINGS, URGES AND THOUGHTS.
    A young mind may not be capable of handling this.

  6. I really hope these commenters learn to do research before saying shit like they do. “I don’t feel bad for her she should be locked up.” Literally what is wrong with you?? Yes she’s 12, she knows what’s right and wrong but if you actually look into it instead of claiming things blind, there are multiple things that could’ve gone wrong causing her to do this. Drawbacks exist and she was taken on and off medication, she also self harmed and was mentally ill. It’s also possible, proven by the doctors and her mother, that she couldn’t remember exactly what happened because she had a manic episode, she was also panicking like crazy and freaked out. For everyone saying “she’s a psychopath she clearly only thinks for herself.” Do you know how hard it is to even think when your in a state like that?? And don’t get angry at me, I’m not saying what she did wasn’t wrong and she shouldn’t be punished but she needs help from the people around her, and she’s likely not the only person at fault for her behavior.

  7. she was not worried about her sibling; listen to what she is saying. I watched the whole video of her selfishness about what is going to happen to her. There is a term in psychology for this type of person.
    RIP for the boy 💐🕊️👦🕊️💐 and many condolences to the mother.

  8. At the age of 12 she can’t be tried as an adult for murder. I do feel horrible for everyone in this situation, even the girl, because I know what psychosis can do to someone. It’s scary as fuck. Everything here is heartbreaking 💔


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