You won't believe this…

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31 thoughts on “You won't believe this…”

  1. No. We are not the same. Conservative check here. Men were made to Protect, Procreate and Provide. The woman was made to withhold the household, meaning the woman rationalizes for the man and makes the decisions in the home. Though God made us biologically different, we have intellectual competencies that must be respected as equal.

  2. . We are not the same. But women are not here to answer to you. Or please you. It's not your job now or ever to try to control them. The fact that you say physically you can take a woman's life with your bare hands is why this rhetoric is very ignorant and dangerous. You will teach the idea of violence to young men who feel they will want to control them . I'm so glad this is a very small fraction of very lost souls who think this way. Men hitting women or even thinking about hitting women to contain them is a sign of deep weakness. No women should ever hit men either but please discover what it is inside you that feels aggressive and a need to control women. You are poisoning the minds of young fatherless men. To all the men out here….find powerful healthy men like Les Brown or Tony Robbins or the people from Mind Valley . Please don't listen to these lost and dysfunctional internet gurus

  3. Ask anyone that is not a real heavy weight contender if they are equal to Mike Tyson or Ali..and see what answers you get from those same delusional people. Its all a front!!! They know better.

  4. Men in general are AGAINST a women's glory (when given) and the independent ability to do what she desires to do in the workforce and earn good money. It would have been all different if men only knew how to be fair to their opposite gender…

  5. Hello Joël, have you eventually red or just bought a book written by David Icke? It’s about conspiracy theory. I’m also TI (targeted individual) and looking for the cause….

  6. A delusional trap created to break up families. I 💯 totally agree with you. A man’s DNA 🧬 is different. They are stronger for a reason. Why armies are full of men not women. It’s men who build cities 🏙 not women. Men who will protect you in war. Facts . Feminists made it easy for men to wear dresses 👗 and take over the role of a woman because of equal rights. Satans inverted reality. Blame it all on feminism. Also transgender men competing with real women in sports . The world has been hijacked by Satan.

  7. It just a convenient excuse to express how much they hate men. They are just men haters period. Probably because their husbands were unfaithful or their dad wasn’t there for them. Or some bad experience. They would not even defend a r*pe victim because they would say she asked for it. That’s how evil they truely are. 🍀🦅 I done my job which is to be a mom and it’s the best job in the world. But you have to be a traditional woman to do it well. Feminists make dysfunctional broken families and children.

  8. No one thinks men and women are the same. Of course we're biologically different

    But what people are saying is,they have the same right to financial opportunities, promotions and better living like men

  9. Yes 1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with your wives with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.

  10. It's been hard raising my son alone, especially while being a targeted individual. I've had some help at times and some great times and I'm overall thankful I could raise my son. But a family/child with the right man would've been alottttt easier. Just saying.


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