You Have a BAD Counselor – 5 Counselors to Avoid

Not all counselors are created equal. In this video, I talk about the possibility that you have a bad counselor by unpacking 5 types of counselors you need to avoid

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26 thoughts on “You Have a BAD Counselor – 5 Counselors to Avoid”

  1. You are correct ma’am. I mistakenly trusted ac”Christian” counselor who sided with my narc spouse (got duped) and advocated divorce even though the (now) ex placed 100% of blame on me. I asked my ex to go to a different therapist, but she , of course, refused. I knew there was no way to proceed productively.

  2. Is it wrong that I HOLLERED out loud when Kris said, “I got into an argument with my coworker and I choked her”? It was so unexpected 😂! I’m sure this wasn’t meant to be funny, but it was. Definitely gives me some things to think about when shopping for a therapist.

  3. Agree, The correct Christian Counselor is the way to go! I want someone to tell me the truth in love, because that way you work towards a solution, just like a doctor-I want to know the truth-that's my health involved, and your right, your mental health is important as well. Thanks for the great advise and love the humor in this video! God Bless Kris!

  4. Kris, I've encountered several of these archetypes in my pursuit of therapy over the decades. This was affirmative in a strange way, even if I'm not a Christian. Unfortunately, I do have a pastor in my family who holds pursuit of therapy against me as a sign I'm bad or wrong and that is gold to the abuser in the family, my father. It's a sign that I'm a sinner and a wrong-doer, but my Dad is given a free pass. My Dad isn't being lectured from a religious place; I am being lectured for not having enough "God" in my life so I get what I deserve — not the best endorsement for going to church again (I left as a kid). I value your videos and messages so much, Kris — they give me strength and hope.

  5. As a clinical and Christian counselor, I was all ears. This is why it's essential for counselors to receive supervision and consultation from their peers to avoid these pitfalls👀. Another great video as always ❤️

  6. Kris, I love your material! But practicing meditation and/or yoga are not a religion. They are techniques of active and still prayer! These get erroneously clumped with Buddhism, Hinduism, etc because of the nomenclature, but getting quiet and listening to God can be done in many ways. 🙏♥️ Prayer is accessible sitting behind the wheel, doing the dishes, or yes, even while exercising!!!

  7. Hi kris, i stumble upon ur videos, and i know this isnt the subject. But havent been able to forget this dream. Wanted to see if u can please see if u can insterpret this dream. I think u have a gift of interpreting dreams. Here goes ,two to three years ago i had a dream it was so real i can remember it like if it was yesterday. Here goes, i was outside of my house talking to my neighboor. The colors were so strong it was maybe like 5 or 6 sun was still out. When all of a sudden i saw what it looked like another earth passing through inside this earth. If that makes sense. And i could see it going farther and farther till i can barely see it and it crashes into the earth and creates a fire. Then i looked at the sky again and i see like 5 or 7 eclipses all black with the ring around it very shiny. They all start coming together into one and it starts spinning and spinning so fast and it suddenly hits the ground fast. And out of that comes a man riding a white horse. And by then it was dark he starts coming ourway and all of the sudden is like my house oustside was filled with people like if i lived like in a busy street or something wich i dont. At this point i had great fear and i went inside my house. And when he was getting closer i could see the homeless yelling and cursing at him and they started nocking at my door to let them in.And i said no becuase u were cursing at him. When all of a sudden i hear a nock at my door and eventhough i didn want to open my door. I knew it was him and i open the door and it was him. I dont know why i was telling him im sorry im sorry and i didnt know why. I remember he had armor like the roman warriors of jesus time. Clean shave. And well groomed, and he touch me in the shoulder and said "Finally a human" and he told me if he can leave two teenage girls in my house and if i can take them later to their house. But somehow i felt he was coming for war. Then he got on his white horse again and started leaving the opposite way he came . And i could the back of him amd remember the horses legs were so strong .And dont know how to describe it but its almos like he became one with the horse. Until i couldnt see him no more. After i couldnt see him. Then i could see through my wimdow. A huge i mean giant like as big almost as the sky a boot like steel both just destroying evrything in its path were it was going and i woke up.

  8. 😂 this is hilarious because I’ve literally had the “rent a friend” therapist and it sucked. It left me feeling like she didn’t care. I’ve also had the “sweetheart” kind of counselor in group therapy and she was very nice but gave no real helpful feedback or guidance. Some of the people in my group felt let down because they assumed they would be getting more useful tips. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a Christian counselor but I’m going that route next time. My sister will only go to Christian counseling and says it’s the only way to go.

  9. Love this video! Went to the same "Christian" counselor as my ex narcopath…and the counselor was one too! Even talked 50% of the time of how he dealt with his unreasonable wife (that I reminded him of)!

  10. My Christian counselor has been a huge blessing and has seen me through a divorce after 30 miserable abusive years and death of my oldest son and moving to a new county all within 5 months time. I treasure her and still see her twice a month.

  11. Right there with ya. My ex narc always put on the sweet show in front of our Christian counselor who was more interested in talking sports with my ex. When I finally spoke up and really showed him how he acted outside of his sight my ex didn’t want me to go anymore. So I got my own counselor. Some are not trained in narcissistic behavior and realize the horrid affects it has on spouses. Emotional abuse at its worse. I’ve had physical too. But emotional abuse like that holds much deeper scars on your heart.

  12. a really lazy evaluation of the complex importance of therapist quality; it's way more than if they carry the morals you value. I guess I expected a deeper dive, but this is sort of a video to introduce a partnership, so I hope that helps people.

  13. One caveat: About Number 5, too many people conflate Christianity with right-wing politics or with Eurocentrism. This speaker comes up against meditation and yoga. However, meditation is in the Bible. Also, I think the practices of yoga can be adapted without centering it on a false god. After all, Christianity began in Israel, which is in Western Asia, but several European practices have been folded into it. I hate it when Westernized Christians think that European additions to the faith are okay, but Native American, African, or Asian additions are not.

    Also, the one time I had an explicitly "Christian" therapist, she started talking to me about "admirable people…like Ronald Reagan". Then her associate, a man, asked me about "bizarre thoughts" I was having. I was in a very vulnerable state at the time, and this was not the way to approach me. I believe I've had counselors who have been practicing Christians and some who were not. However, I don't think I could put myself under the mercy of a counselor who thinks right-wing politics is part of the treatment, or who uses judgmental words to describe my behavior or thoughts.

    For the record, as a Christian, I welcome advice and prayer from other Christians, including pastors and leaders.

  14. Lesten your heart voice. Heart may be mercy. For got well postive energy worship sun in morning time. Take a copper pots with fresh water by slowly pour dower in erth than you can see just seven cours front side of sun . Really you will find strong heart for fight bad habits. Close eye and say om om om om om om om om deep meditation.


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