You Don’t Understand GTA 5’s Story – I Spent 10000 Hours Discovering Everyone's Untold Lore

In this deep dive into the world of Grand Theft Auto V, I explore the untold stories and hidden layers behind the game’s most intriguing characters, focusing on the enigmatic Lester. With over 10,000 hours dedicated to unraveling GTA V’s complex narrative, I bring to light the details of Lester’s involvement that go beyond the familiar tales of Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. Discover the fascinating backstory of Lester’s role in the heists, his connections with the rest of the cast, and the secrets that lie within the game’s lore. This video reveals the intricate details and unseen aspects of Lester’s life, providing insights that you won’t find anywhere else. Join me as we delve into the mysteries and conspiracies of GTA V, uncovering the hidden truths that shape the lives of its characters.

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0:00 Intro
0:28 What was Lester’s involvement with helping Michael in the past?
2:11 What was Lester’s role in the Prologue Heist?
2:47 Did Lester know Michael was going to betray Trevor and Brad?
3:10 What did Lester do during the 9 years after the failed heist in North Yankton?
7:39 How does Lester not know where Trevor is before he returns and confronts Michael?
9:50 Does Lester know what happened to Brad?
11:08 How did Lester even learn Michael was still alive, let alone where he lived and his phone number?
12:41 After not seeing him for 9 years, how did Michael know Lester was in town?
13:41 How did Steve learn about the deal Michael and Dave had?
15:42 What is going on with the FIB vs IAA subplot?
22:20 On the Wrap Up, Steve says the FIB thinks he was involved in ‘the incident’. What incident?
23:18 If the FIB were onto Steve, why didn’t hey get fired? Especially after everything went down on the Wrap Up?
24:04 Was the vial we stole on Monkey Business actually Nerve Toxin or was it just Perfume Formula?
27:09 Why do they kill Steve Haines in Ending C: Deathwish?
28:21 Why didn’t they kill Dave during Ending C: Deathwish?
29:14 What was in the envelope that Michael brought to Devin at the end of Blitz Play?
30:12 How did Steve have leverage over Trevor and Franklin, did he have a file on them too?
34:10 Why didn’t Devin Weston pay the money he owed everyone?
35:59 Does not killing Devin Weston effect the story in any way?
40:14 Was Jimmy Brad’s son?
41:54 Doesn’t Amanda’s list of prior relationships show she cheated on Michael first?
43:17 Why does Amanda so quickly agree to go back with Michael after one therapy session, especially when he threatened to kill her?
46:18 What are the canon approaches for each heist and what ending is canon?
47:45 If ending c is canon, how does Tao Cheng survive?
48:33 How would the story change if they beat the train in prologue?
48:52 Why did Rockstar put so much gameplay towards storylines that didn’t go anywhere?
50:55 What was stopping Michael. Franklin, and Dave from killing Trevor straight away when he first came to Los Santos?
53:52: Isn’t doing the Paleto Heist to buy a cargobob pointless when you could just steal one?
54:15 How did Trevor meet Wade?
55:16 Where does Lamar go in the middle of Ending C: DeathWish?
56:53 Why didn’t the tennis coach tell Michael it wasn’t his house BEFORE they pulled it down?
57:27 On Packman, how did the cops know the cars were stolen?
58:44 Why was Stretch in prison?
59:34 How did Trevor meet Ron?
1:00:40 Why didn’t Michael kill Lazlow for messing with his family?
1:04:41 Why did they take out Stretch and not Simeon?
1:06:01 Why is Trevor’s house clean at the start of the game?
1:06:38 What did they steal in the mission Derailed and why did they steal it?
1:07:43 Why is Martin using two different homes in the story?
1:09:28 Outro


46 thoughts on “You Don’t Understand GTA 5’s Story – I Spent 10000 Hours Discovering Everyone's Untold Lore”

  1. That's why I love your videos, you really went above and beyond to show all of these characters lore, other youtubers wouldn't have gone to such effort. Also, props to Rockstar's attention to detail, they went to such effort to even create a cover up story for one of the heists. Really clever

  2. the only inconsistency with Lester not knowing what happened to Trevor is that Lester passes the online character's contact info to Trevor for the Series A funding heist. could be possible that he wasn't aware it was Trevor but it is worth noting that happened

  3. Dave's dialogue definitely indicates that others in the FIB knew about the deal with Townley
    maybe just his old supervisor, maybe the greater FIB
    while it's not a legal form of witness protection, i wouldn't put a deal this shady above the agency

  4. I just want to point out that Michael made millions and straightened out his life all because Amanda banged his tennis coach😂 (or he dies because Amanda banged the tennis coach, but who choses that option anyway?)

  5. What makes 0 sense to me is you mention Michael don't kill unnecessarily which is true

    But during reuniting the family he says he'll put Amanda in the ground just like everyone else

    This kinda implies Michael has killed unnecessarily prior to the failed north Yankton job no? Like I need some context on that because why would he threaten Amanda by saying that if he refuses to kill unnecessarily well aside from all the cops he's probably killed over his career

  6. So basically we are supposed to turn on the radio and read the news right after every mission? Hell, in GTA 6 Im gonna take 5 hours before each missions to read the news and search the local chattbox radio

  7. I did always think the ending where Franklin kills Trevor didn't make much sense because it seemed like Devin was so powerful that Steve Haines wouldn't be able to defend Franklin/Michael. Also he's an asshole with little reason to even try to keep them safe from the billionaire with a grudge.

  8. 53:27 The Paleto Score isn't only for the Cargobob, it's for all the equipment like that big ass container and such. Also the same money is later used to fund other FIB operations like The Bureau Raid.

  9. The problem with Tao Cheng is that the 100% gold medal for that mission requires you to kill Mr.Cheng with an Sticky bomb and I doubt that they mean when he is out of the car (so that you only kill Mr.Cheng and not Tao too… I am unsure if the 100% challanges are part of the story or only made without the intend of being part of the games story.

  10. 57:03 another small and minor detail to add on to the fact that the cops were following Lamar, while Franklin is climbing on the side of the truck he will say "ain't nobody tailin' you, huh, Lamar?" and Lamar will respond.

  11. Again, I feel like soooo many of these questions and misconceptions stem from people applying GTA logic to the story.

    There are hints at that (Michael mentioning he ran someone over on the way to therapy, Lamar wantonly wasting people and starting shootouts, Trevor… everything about Trevor), but generally real world logic still applies.

    Sandy Shores may be a few minutes drive in the actual game, but it's meant to reference middle-of-nowhere rural desert areas in California and Nevada. Trevor would have been untraceable there, even by a genius like Lester.

  12. I think you might have missed a detail, one of the ways Trevor would have known Micheal was alive is the news broadcast after the jewelry store heist the witness repeats Micheal's catchphrase, Trevor saw that news clip on TV. It's been a while for me though so I might be misremembering.

  13. There is a lot I don't know about Amanda before she met Michael, and I know people did extensive digging into the GTA V goldmine, but they come up empty in terms of Amanda, Jimmy, and Tracey.


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